Thread: Iran
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Old 06-22-2009, 11:44 AM   #15
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lighten up...I'm having a little fun Archie Bunker style.

Look, we all know that I can't stand President Obama and that I think he and his cronies are harming this great nation. I don't like the bailout policies, I believe ACORN is a criminal organization and can't believe the government has them lined up to get some $8 Billion in Tax money to do what they do. I see American Protesters being ridiculed and even in some cases escorted out and away from the political events taking place in America.

It's as if, it's only okay to be liberal, but the minute you voice a conservative ideal you get called some type of name (Racist, Stupid, etc...)

Look no doubt there are some right wing wacho's out there, just as there are some left wing nuts...saddly many of those nuts are now running the country and there doesn't appear to be ANY middle ground.

Now, back on this here main thread've got a guy and a government over in Iran that is trampling on the concept of democracy. There are threats of death to those who oppose the current rule, yet a large number of men, women and children remain courageous and are standing up for their freedom. Not only standing up, but sitting down peacefully...while a tyrannical government tries to use force to remove the opposition.

It is important for Iran and for the middle-east that the opposition gain ground and ultimately change the way that nation is governed. It's actually important to the concept of some level of world peace.

It's also important that Americans pay attention, as the Iranian government is indeed blaming America...while we have NO DIRECT involvment what so ever. However, it is clear that our ideals and subsequent actions that have helped to shape a new Iraq are indeed influencing the things taking place in Iran.

American Freedom and Democracy is taking shape in the Middle East...We call it American...but perhaps it's better to simply call it Freedom and Democracy.

I believe President Bush has made some type of comment regarding Freedom taken on a life of its own. Clearly we are seeing this take place. This actually reminds me of President Reagan and his proclamation to "Tear Down that Wall"

We see the legacy of President Reagan is the dismantling of Communism...while we are now seeing the legacy of President Bush is the initial Democracy in the middle east!!!

Now that may not be the way the liberal media reports it...but no doubt that is what is taking place and we were fortunate that we had such a strong leader in the White House over the past 8 years!!!
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