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Old 08-07-2009, 04:45 PM   #440
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While I don't think it's really a big deal, If it had been on the White House website during the W administration the avalanche of keening and wailing about dictators and fascism, 1984 et al would have those T. Boone whirly rigs so fast we wouldn't need to discuss alternative fuel anymore.
Putting it on the official, top dog, king of the hill, heavily read and internationally monitored, US uber site was a pretty tone deaf move.

For an organization that was trading on shiny newness and a deep understanding of tech, this was puzzling. Obama has some serious cultural blindspots as far as being able to predict how actions and strategy are seen by Joe Sixpack and Susie Cornshuck.

It doesn't really matter what the reasons and motivation was for doing this, he is not attempting to make an enemies list anymore than Bush was attempting to become ruler for life with the Patriot Act. You can make an argument for the Patriot Act by citing examples of civil right protections that made sense for snail mail and landlines and the automatic paper trails of travel and meetings, being woefully inadequate in an age of disposable cellphones, electronic wire transfers and international netmeetings with no passport stamps, hotel or plane tickets. Wireless routers that show only a single IP...etc.

This was just stupid. It's like aliens swooped down and replaced all the people who ran one of smartest campaigns in history with wonks. I don't understand the need to continually make everything an us against them that forces a winner and loser. No President in my lifetime, well maybe Nixon, has so consistently concerned themselves with what was going on in the media.
Republican Mobs? Astro turfing? WTF? Why would you want to imply some of the folks are your enemy?

People are pissed. You might think their reasons aren't valid and they dislike you personally, but I'm not seeing the wisdom in these "We won, sore losers and idiots" tactics.

How did they turn so stupid? Americans tend to want to hit back if they feel dissed and ignored. I keep trying to look for the wisdom in this. Whatever you think the practical reasons in this might be, it has to be one of the worst political moves if you bank on your personal likability to move legislation.

Not as bad as Carter asking for his entire cabinet's resignation to bolster confidence that government can make good decisions to solve problems, but damn. I'd be firing someone. Bad enough to have a VP like Bidden out of control, but this?

Last edited by aquaadverse; 08-07-2009 at 04:49 PM.
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