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Old 02-03-2010, 12:31 PM   #2149
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Originally Posted by rmacomic View Post
I thought you would like this part best...And lets just roll out the same batch of liberal douchebags to nominate for actor and actress this year just like last year. I love how an actor can't get the nomination if his politics are wrong. Or how all an actor has to do to get nominated is select the most slanted role available. "In this movie I play a poor, mentally retarded, gay soldier, who's against the war, but no one will let me pursue my dream of teaching inner city children about abortion because I'm a woman"..."Where's my Oscar?"

To be honest I really don't how much of the original post is my opinion on movies and how much it represents my frustration with returning to college.
I thought I was Liberal, but jeeze if I have one more know nothing professor tell me how bad I am for being born with a penis, I swear I will slap the bitch and prove her right.

Crap I have to go to work.
For a guy who waits tables you sure spit in my kids Shirley Temple a lot.
From my side, I can't comment on the movies...I haven't seen them. But I thought your takes were pretty amusing.

Yes, I liked your spin regarding Liberal thought within a movie...but I'm used to that, and by now most if not everyone from this board would know my I felt it best to keep it to myself. Yes, I'm practicing some semblance of restraint and trying to be a bit better at taking the high-road on this board.

No sense in beating a dead horse.

Best wishes in your college studies!!! Both of my guys have finished their first semester of Freshman College and are now into Semester 2, while my wife is taking advantage of the newly found free time, to return to school and work on her degree. Oh what fun, to be single income with 3 in college!!!

For what it's worth, we are actually have a good time at this stage of life!!!

Hope the rest of you and enjoying your own journey!!!

Keep up the movie talk...I've got a few I just put into my DVD player.

I'll make a new post with those movies...hopefully these turn out to be okay.
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