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Old 02-27-2010, 07:05 AM   #13
Join Date: Feb 2007
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aquaadverse is a name known to allaquaadverse is a name known to allaquaadverse is a name known to allaquaadverse is a name known to allaquaadverse is a name known to allaquaadverse is a name known to allaquaadverse is a name known to allaquaadverse is a name known to allaquaadverse is a name known to all

What's next, tossing out the people who have actually invested money in GM as bondholders and accepted the lower rate of return in exchange for the position in the pecking order for a better piece of the reorganized carcass to give the position to an important chunk of his political base who have only taken money out of the company/

As a native son of Michigan with relatives who bled with Reuther, I saw us pass mile marker "How we do things in Chicago" a year ago.

If you take cutting a back room deal with Unions a couple of days before an election that could derail an entire agenda and Party and add in "Japanese don't vote, but hold a lot of US IOUs so they can't squeal too loud" and multiply it by the coefficient of an inept and embarrassed Congress facing a Bataan November, thinking Obama had the Rhamster make a few calls politely asking for updates when they can find time is pretty unlikely.

That bullet proof body that was giddy and flushed with an overwhelming incoming majority made great sport embarrassing the D2.5 CEOs on a world stage suddenly needs every tiny bit of deficit reduction in treasure and rep they can find.

Toyota has handed them a gift wrapped opportunity of high profile beat down with almost zero blow back potential. People who are accused of hiding something like a soccer Mom vehicle suddenly and with no warning turning into the Death Mobile from Animal House are in a situation where the best strategy is curling up in a ball and hoping the person beating them gets tired before permanent damage is done.

When the person with the club is one of the owners of a competitor with a vested interest and controls all three branches of government, the odds of people who have no problem locking the door and doing business without fellow members of Congress makes a lack of suspicion and concern illogical imho.
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