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Old 03-29-2010, 12:23 PM   #9
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92bDad has a brilliant future92bDad has a brilliant future92bDad has a brilliant future92bDad has a brilliant future92bDad has a brilliant future92bDad has a brilliant future92bDad has a brilliant future92bDad has a brilliant future92bDad has a brilliant future92bDad has a brilliant future92bDad has a brilliant future

Along time ago I took an oath to defend this nation against all enemies, foreign and domestic.

Being as their are clearly two opposing ideologies...and both interpreting the constitution to meet their own views...who is the enemy?

It's clear that those who wished death on Bush and those who currently wish death on Obama are equal enemies.

The media outlets should unite and condemn BOTH!!! However it appears as though this too is a selective righteousness...

In my view, the current administration and the democrat lead congress is clearly an enemy to my views of America and American FREEDOMS. However, my weapons of choice are simply my voice and my vote.

That being said, at what point do we decide that the political waters have gone from luke-warm to boiling hot and it's time to jump out? (Frog and the pot of water analogy)

At what point do we acknowledge the freedoms have been removed and the constitution is being trampled I say it...stand up and participate in a revolution?

How long have we seen other forms of tyranny come into power and stay in power? How many of these were initiated with the best of "PR" messages. Did Germany simply wake up one morning and decide to be under NAZI power...what lead to the change in the German people to allow for this evil to actually take over and control the nation?

The progressive erosion of America is taking place and perhaps at an all-time dangerous level. Will Americans stand by and allow it to happen, naive to what is taking place and so wrapped up in their own lives...or will Americans stand up on the values that this nation was founded on, stopping the destruction of our liberties and freedoms...thus bringing on progress for the world?

Again, violence is not that answer...using our voice and our vote is where we are today...however the parties are laying down the ground work for what could erupt into some dark days.
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