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Old 09-09-2010, 11:51 AM   #19
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Originally Posted by AngieO41 View Post
Glenn Beck is crazy and I don't care if
he ever says anything I agree with. I'll still think he's crazy. I'm pretty sure if y'all agreed with something Obama said you wouldn't put him on a pedastal.
I'm not sure Glenn Beck actually believes what he says. He's an attention whore just like Sarah Palin. They spew out all this garbage and people eat it up. People like them are part of the reason America is so freaking screwed up. Nobody can think for themselves anymore. They have to rely on the morons in this country to tell them what to believe. Yes I'm going on a rant because I absolutely DESPISE this man. DESPISE. I mean seriously, according to this guy, Obama is a muslim Nazi who is friends with terrorists, he's trying to turn the US into some kind of communist place. Not to mention Obama was born in outer space because he's certainly NOT a US citizen. Obama doesn't want us to have any rights whatsoever. Oh, and I guess it's really horrible that the super rich in this country have to pay taxes. Boohoo. So Glenn Beck can choke on his chalk because the guys opinions on EVERYTHING are completely invalid.

Nice to see a reasoned response rather than some lunatic on a rant...

Please when you have an opportunity, back up your view. Where's the proof?

It appears to me that you have moved to this opinion simply because other's have lead you to this conclusion...not Glenn Beck.

Does Glenn Beck go on "Schtick Rants"? Yes, he plays to the fears of those who oppose him. He's making fun of the Lunatic Left and their non-stop manipulation of facts. Heck, Mr. Beck, Gives the left everything they want knowing full well that they couldn't make a point on their own merit.

He also provides rather astute intellect regarding our nation, it's history and for that matter issues around the Globe and the historical significance of past events and leaders.

He jumps around from basic steps for those who may not be ready to grasp highly intellectual thought process, while also diving deep into topics and providing resources for others to go and research for themselves. He likes to provide both sides of a debate...thus allowing us the viewers/listeners to come to our own conclusion.

Unlike some other Left-Stream Media outlets who manipulate stories and commentary in order to influence viewers/listeners to fall in line with the radical left stream agenda.

As for your take on President Obama...please explain why so many on the Left are running from the so-called success that he and the Democrats have claimed over the past 2 years? Bailouts, Medical Coverage...just to name two...Why doesn't the Left build up their so-called success on these issues allowing the people to judge for themselves on election day?

Oh and give Credit to President Obama as election season is here...I understand that he has proposed a Tax Break on Capitol Spending for companies. Hmmmm...this could have been proposed a long time ago, but now that it's election time, could this make him "Appear" more conservative, or will people see through the manipulation and judge he and the Democrats based on their long long long track record?

Perhaps rather than focusing on raising taxes to the wealthy, which already pay more in total Cash than any other demographic combined...perhaps the Government could get it's Spending under control?

Dangit, I got side tracked again...apologies.

Great job Mr. Beck for continuing to provide Americans with the facts and exposing the Slave Masters running this nation. There is a light at the end of the tunnel, and we shall overcome...soon, America will be Free...Free at last!!!
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