Thread: "NO, to war..."
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Old 01-20-2003, 12:00 PM   #8
Join Date: Sep 2002
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Chiwas is infamous around these partsChiwas is infamous around these parts

<< A little over 60 year ago another musthached madman was allowed to proliferate his military capabilities in the name of peace. The most wide scale destruction and lose of life that this planet has ever seen was the result. Millions died. Countless more suffered. My question is can we afford to not to learn from history? >>

This is a big truth. Let Hitler take the initiative was a big mistake, a fatal mistake. How many died, 60 million people? I think the lesson had to be learned; I also hope that the US has learned from the Vietnam war; I think it has, seeing the attacks against Lybia, Irak (the Desert Storm), and Afghanistan. The war is imminent, and with the technology owned by the US, has to be short and effective, avoiding as much as possible deaths of civilians and soldiers, but changing that regime. BTW, it seems that Europe, excepting the UK -and maybe Germany!-, is forgetting the Holocaust; it´s sad that it is happening, that some countries don't support as decades before used to, the efforts to have a free, secure and healthy western hemisphere. I liked that, Mavkiki, &quot;to protect the allies&quot;; I consider M&eacute;xico a natural ally of the US, even though there are still some weak liberal forces within M&eacute;xico, but you have to know that we started last week to produce more oil to support an stable market and to be better prepared to face the war. And my friend NP, your country has to be strong in these winds of war.
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