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Old 05-07-2011, 06:43 PM   #7
Join Date: May 2011
Posts: 3
Lacker_Despiser is on a distinguished road

Originally Posted by Variant View Post
I'm not a Laker fan, but I do live in Southern California.

Your Average Joe Laker fan isn't really aware of other teams or knows much about their rosters -- only that the Lakers are God's team and Kobe Bryant always saves the day.

Right now everyone is very, very confused. They haven't quite figured out why it is they can't defend the pick and roll, how it is that Bynum isn't dunking on everyone at will, and why Kobe Bryant isn't able to be like MJ at will to close out games. Surely it can't be those guys in white/blue... it must be the zebras.

They may never figure it out either -- that's how delusional folks are down here in La-La land, but rest assured the rest of us can see it plainly. Dirk is a cold-blooded assassin this post-season. Finish 'em off boys.
Pretty much this. I grew up a die-hard Jordan fan and have thus always despised the Lakers--even after Jordan's retirement. Most Laker fans you encounter here in Southern California are myopic Kobe worshipers who know nothing fundamentally regarding the sport, let alone the talent--or lack thereof--that other teams possess.

Nevertheless, though I am not a Mavs fan, I want to extend a genuine 'thank you' to your team's organization for pulverizing the Lakers. Hopefully now, those hideous Laker flags found on a myriad of cars' windows around here will be removed too.
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