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Old 12-23-2014, 07:41 PM   #2
Join Date: Dec 2014
Posts: 18
I.Can't.Breathe is on a distinguished road

Originally Posted by Underdog View Post
Are you just Googling "police brutality" and reposting every article that comes up?
No, sir, but that might be easier.

Just looking up a few cases I remember reading about in recent months/years. A lot of stuff going on in Brooklyn. And if you kind of look into the stories a bit, you see that not all of the officers involved are Caucasian, nor are they all street cops; and not all of the citizens who have been murdered/abused are African-American teen males. You have some police officers assaulting white females involved in Wall Street protests, and some other police officers involved in assaulting a Caucasaian, senior-citizen, sitting family court judge; still other police officers involved in the infamous motorcycle gang assault against the Asian family out for a family drive.

The point being that the current climate of citizens being fed up with police brutality and police abuse with the police not suffering any criminal indictments has been brewing long before Eric Garner's and Michael Brown's murders, long before DeBlasio was elected mayor. The police in the United States have been running amok for the last 10+ years, probably in the wake of 9/11. But the police in New York have a long history of racially-motivated brutality, predating Giuliani's administration even, though things were particularly bad as the NYPD felt like they had an ally in Giuliani, and knew that he wouldn't do anything to rein them in. The level of criminal corruption in the New York police department is astounding, and reaches up into the highest levels of NYPD leadership. Remember Giuliani's right-hand man police commissioner Bernard Kerik, George Bush's aborted nominee for Head of Homeland Security, who went to prison for accepting bribes, concealing income and lying to investigators?

The murders of the two police officers are tragic and senseless and unjustified, and were the work of a mentally ill career criminal.

But the negative perceptions of the NYPD didn't just appear in the wake of the murder of Eric Garner. It's a problem at least 20 years in the making, an artifact of 8 years of Giuliani, and 12 years of Bloomberg. And DiBlasio, the father of a mixed-race son, is left to deal with the fallout.
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