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Old 08-09-2016, 07:33 PM   #35
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Jack.Kerr has a reputation beyond reputeJack.Kerr has a reputation beyond reputeJack.Kerr has a reputation beyond reputeJack.Kerr has a reputation beyond reputeJack.Kerr has a reputation beyond reputeJack.Kerr has a reputation beyond reputeJack.Kerr has a reputation beyond reputeJack.Kerr has a reputation beyond reputeJack.Kerr has a reputation beyond reputeJack.Kerr has a reputation beyond reputeJack.Kerr has a reputation beyond repute

Originally Posted by DevinHarriswillstart View Post
Seriously, any other semi-sane republican would be killing Hillary right now.
So which one was that? Which one was the semi-sane one? Ted Cruz? Micro Rubio? John Kasich? Jeb Bush? Chris Christie? Mike Huckabee? Rick Santorum? Ben Carson? Carly Fiorina? Rand Paul? Scott Walker? Bobby Jindal? Lindsay Graham? Rick Perry?.....Hell, Mitt Romney? Newt Gingrich?

The closest one to semi-sane in 2015-16 was JEB!, and I'm not entirely convinced about him. But why didn't he get back into the race? Or run an independent campaign, at least? Why did he dissolve like a wet fart against Trump?

Do you think Cruz would be doing any better against Hillary? The difference in Cruz and Trump is that Republicans ALREADY hated Cruz. They had to be persuaded about Trump.

So, why weren't there any sane candidates willing to run as Republicans? Why didn't Romney get back in the game? Why didn't Gingrich?

All of these names, sitting on the sidelines, make me think that the "Anyone-Else-But-Trump-Would-Be-Defeating-Hillary" trope is overblown. Because the Republicans couldn't convince anyone else to run. No Republican could convince him/herself even. (Evan McMuffin, the exception.)

I get the sense that most voters see through the Fox-manufactured nonsense about e-mail servers and Benghazi! These are not faux-controversies that would disqualify HRC from office any more than a covered-up DUI or forged service records from Dubya's time in the Texas Air National Guard should have disqualify him.

The people decrying Clinton are never able to go into any detail about what she allegedly did, or why it would disqualify her from the Presidency. They only scream buzzwords (SERVERS! BENGHAZI!) and are NEVER able to articulate any reasoned argument.

HRC is a terrible campaigner. I can barely stand to listen to her. She sounds like a backwoods bar owner braying above a barroom brawl. (Think Lavernia from the old sitcom Malcolm in the Middle.) She makes even her most natural allies cringe with her inauthenticity, and her propensity to always say the wrong thing, when as an attorney she should instinctively know to say as little as possible, if she can't get away with saying nothing.

But she is the most QUALIFIED candidate since George H.W. Bush, and she will be a competent, if uninspiring, candidate.
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