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Old 12-02-2016, 04:37 PM   #306
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Originally Posted by Underdog View Post
I can agree to the extent that the voters have been shaped by social media and snappy one liners -- but Trump himself isn't a product of that... More like he contributed to the creation of that type of media consumer, then took advantage of it when this country plunged back into levels of ignorance and apathy that we haven't seen in several generations (that goes for both sides, hence the #1 and #2 most-despised presidential candidates in US history -- worse than Herbert Hoover, Richard Nixon, or the guy who Yoko'd America -- Abraham Lincoln!)

I also agree that we're a me-first society... Everyone is a special little snowflake -- from the safe-space, Bernie-voting millennial, to the upper-middle class boomer who feels entitled to cutting you off in traffic because their car is more expensive than yours, to the minority of all minorities, to Freddy Trump's specialest little snowflake; Donny... The problem with America is Americans. We've turned into a bunch of group-thinking bitches who need to be spoon-fed our beliefs because we no longer have any individual convictions. Our parents raised us wrong but we're too narcissistic to understand that.

We're a nation built on cognitive dissonance -- where a pro feminist, pro-homosexual voter can also be pro-Islam (a religion that opposes both in scripture), or where a pro-life voter can be all about "human rights" until that baby is born, then f*ck 'em -- no social safety net for you! (which is why their broke-ass mother probably sought an abortion in the first place)... Both parties are massively hypocritical, shaping the voters into whichever direction gets the politicians re-elected, instead of the voter shaping the political party based on their individual beliefs... That's why under Bush, the Republicans were pro-war while the Democrats were anti-war, but under Obama, the Republicans were anti-war while the Democrats were pro-war -- even though it's the SAME war!

The problem with this country can be found in the mirror -- and we're all guilty... Well, except for the nihilists (which must be exhausting....)
This is a bit of what drives me insane. I personally can't stand Trump or Clinton. As I've grown older, I've gone from leaning slightly to the left to leaning towards the right (just wanted to be honest)... But the hyperbole from both sides drives me insane. Trump isn't evil. If you're a transexual and committing suicide because he was elected..well, you're probably overreacting a bit. Hillary isn't necessarily evil either. They both have a long list of issues. It just bothers me that so many on either side refuses to look in the mirror to see their candidate's own issues. The people crying in disbelief because Hillary lost...? Blame your party. It took a special kind of idiot to lose to Donald Trump. Not any garbage candidate could have done it. Hillary was just about the only garbage candidate that could have accomplished such an impressive loss. So instead of protesting and hurling insults at your opponent.. Examine why your candidate lost. Otherwise, all you're doing is pushing more and more people in the middle to the right. The college students that had to have their exams re-scheduled because of the election...yeah, you're doing nothing to help your cause at all. Your pushing your party further off the deep end. That's just a little free advice. I'm not charging for it... And do not get me wrong. I don't like Trump. So few people do like the guy... Again, only Hillary was capable of losing to this moron which shows just how bad of a candidate she was.
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