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Old 07-18-2003, 05:21 PM   #10
Join Date: Jan 2002
Posts: 651
TwoDeep3 will become famous soon enoughTwoDeep3 will become famous soon enough
Default Does anyone believe the Mavericks haven't screwed up this offseason?

KG... you spew so much bilge, this will take a while. But point-for-point is what you want, then so be it.

Typically, it's because I tell someone why I disagree with them rather than just throwing condescending blanket statements out there about how the "sky is falling" and how they are "reactionary". To your credit, however, you did explain your position on why you think the Mavericks have done okay this offseason fairly well, even if I disagree completely with you (as illustrated by my post above). It's the little sniping comments that you make on a fairly regular basis that detract from your credibility when you actually do decide to talk basketball.
Now let's review the little snipping remarks throughout this thread when all I mentioned was I thought it inappropriate to point fingers in my first comments. When you comment on both sides of the coin, then I'll take your advice. Until then, kiss my ass. Comprende?

Aw, come on, man. Don't you have a sense of humor? Your comments are biting and derisive most of the time. That was at least humorous.
Yes, I have a great one. But this was a belittlement for those that don't agree. Say something funny and I will laugh. Post bullshite to humiliate and I take umbrage. Or should we revist your little snippy comment about you being insulted?

Angst has replaced hubris as your overused "intelligent sounding" word.
This is an example of you not having anything to say, so you insult. When you decide to debate, give me a ring. Unless your angst interferes with your normal hubris.

You are COMPLETELY mischaracterizing Doc's, Murphy's, and my posts on this board.
Excuse me your worship but you and the rest of your clan spent the better part of the season bitching about the play-offs and how ill-prepared the Mavs would be because they wasted the off season not getting the big man. The regular season means nothing. It's only the play-offs that have meaning. Well, bucko, you got your pussy popped on that little deal, and have yet to my knowledge made mention that you were absolutely wrong. Neither has any of the other guys. Except Murphy hinted at it in a post.

Now here we are just a short time removed from the best results in club history over the last decade or better, and you are at your old whine-a-palooza about who is truly at fault.

Don't lecture me when your words are screwing you. Dance as you like, the temperament on this board is whine first ask questions later. You are one of the ring leaders.

By the way bright boy, I do comment why. And then comes the Kevin Bacon insult because I don't share your myopic view of things.

I have been stating for quite some time the big man won't come here. But you don't listen.

Many of us are more familiar with the team than most professional sports writers, and we enjoy discussing and analyzing what the team does and how it performs.
Bullshite. You can no more prove this statement than a pig can sprout wings and fly. But you will defend this ridiculous remark to the death because if you actually have to acknowledge that you only have a small sliver of real info, then all you analysing will draw flies in a pasture.

Again, I won't speak for anyone else, but I've never gotten my "hackles up" when asked to defend something I say. I simply defend it.
You're doing it right now. Your previous paragraph is not only a weak defense, but you getting angry because I have the temerity to tell you you don't know as much as you think you do.

I've known Murph for a good while, and I've seen him say that.
Then if you agree, why reply?

He's telling you to make a point, not bitch, pal
I did make a point in my first post, pal. Let me know when reading comprehension becomes one of my buzz words like hubris and angst. You will see it frequently if this is the type of response you intend to offer.

You don't have "real inside information" either.
Hence, my not standing in this room screaming I have more knowledge than the team or anyone else. If you would actually get an adult to read my posts to you, then explain same, you might find that I am making a pretty good point. I don't get into the blame game because I don't know all the facts. Neither does anyone else here. So your little aside, which by the way was lame, is not really appropo, now is it?

The reason you are "unpopular" is because you thrive on being the minority opinion, the antagonist point of view.
Bingo! I won't kiss the ring of the angry young men on this board and agree that this thing is eroding. So when I have stated I don't agree, I get ridiculed. Just like others that don't agree. You want a room full of Aryans, from Daryan that all yell in unison, the management screwed this. Cuban is an idiot. Nellie is an idiot. They don't play the right game here and only I know it.

Sorry sport. I won't do that. There isn't one swinging penis on this board that could manage this team in a blow-out game. Much less coordinate them to 60 wins. You can yell all you want, but that is the steaming matter that falls from a bull's butt if you or anyone else thinks they can do a better job.

And I will never agree with that crap or you. If you don't like it, see above. KMA.

Man, if you don't like it here, the solution is really simple.
You've got the power. Make me. Because your lame assed arguments certainly don't, how did MFFL put it, rip me to shreds. You have yet to score a point.

I like it here. I find you and your bretheren a fun past time. Deal with it.

Here, you prove my point. You view yourself as a "voice of the opposition". You give yourself far too much credit.
In light of your minority opinion comment, I find this laughable. You can't even keep up with your own argument. Geez.

Protocol? This isn't about protocol. It's about proclaiming yourself to be the only rational, intelligent poster on this message board because people don't agree with you.
Offer up one post where I said I had the inside track on knowledge or rational, intellegent thought. Because I say you don't doesn't mean I think I do. Here's that phrase again...reading comprehension.

By the way, when you suggest you don't belittle people, your retort about bucko sure does wear the clothing of ridicule.

Yep, I was bawling virtually throughout.
Care to venture a guess how many times you posted a negative comment on small ball?

Now please detail how many NBA games you have coached and won. We won't even ask you to list the play-off games, which after all are the only true games anyway.

But even as they did, we all realized that they would need to improve to get that far again.
Would you post your psychic hotline number. I'm sure there are others besides me that would like answers about tomorrows results before they take place. Got the lottery numbers on Saturday? How about the winners in tomorrow's trifecta at Lone Star Park?

You very seldom offer any support for your disagreement. Just disagreement.
Say it with me...R-e-a-d-i-n-g c-o-m-p-r-e-h-e-n-s-i-o-n.

Also, I wouldn't really be making fun of the Spurs. They are the champs, after all.
And yet you completely ignored the point. Because you couldn't really acknowledge it because it crushed one of your points later in your comments. The friggin Spurs had money and didn't get O'Neal, Malone, Kidd, Mourning, Olowokandi. Why? Because they want to go to the larger markets and will....get this...take less money to do so.

But that would actually mean you would have to nod your head and at least entertain the idea that it might not be Dallas but the players wanting to go to other teams.

"What a f*cking nightmare," as Marisa Tomei once said.

I also read various articles from before free agency began where Malone stated his desire to play in Dallas. As MFFL pointed out in the thread you cite to, what do you expect Malone to say now?
The fact that he took millions less says it all. Nothing you can or may retort changes the fact that he signed with LA for less money than other places. That speaks volumes. He wanted to play in LA where his cance to get a ring is increased because of Shaq and Kobe.

By the way, perhaps you should go back to the days leading up to Shaq signing with LA and read why he went there. Ah...Hollywood...

Perhaps I was wrong.
Perhaps you were.

Spare me the tired cliches and machismo
Get your panties our of your *bleep*.

Try a new argument. I refuted that one a couple of posts ago.
Sorry sweetheart, you have yet to make a point here. The facts are we built it, (AAC) with new dressing rooms and a private jet and all the food you can eat and max money, and they didn't come.

Any refuting you need to do starts with explaining why they didn't. Just because you think it's the teams fault after all the above, is really something you should take up while on the couch with Dr. Epstein. He'll scribble, you'll spew, and in the end he'll write a nice perscription for you that will make it all go away.

Or perhaps your third grade teacher who seemed to skip past reading comprehension should be held accountable..

Cuban just said that Zo through his agent had committed to the Mavs, so they had no back up plan. They told Malone and others that they had spent their MLE
Malone was get this...write it down...NEVER coming to Dallas. He took far less to be with the Lakers. He turned down money Dallas couldn't even offer.

Get that straight or we don't discuss this until you do.

He was never coming to Dallas.

Oh, really? So a Kidd S&T was more likely than simply pursuing FAs? Is that what the facts show? What facts?
Kidd, Mourning, Malone, O'Neal were not coming to Dallas. They pursued Mourning and had a verbal committment by his agent. Wow, hot news flash. K_G Verteran thinks taking an agents word is making an error on the part of a GM. Gee, those lying bastid agents. Cuban started working on Kidd and Mourning nixed the deal. If they told Malone they had the MLE and didn't, what would the league do if Malone then told the Lakers no thanks? And what do you think Malone would have done legally? I think it's spelled litigate.

As I stated, you truly don't have the free agent market sized up very well and your repeated whines about Malone and Kandi tell the tale.

There is plenty of evidence that Malone wanted to come to Dallas.
You may now feel free to stop typing this nonesense. He turned down 10's of millions of dollars to play for LA and 1.5 million. Anything else you say ignores this fact. And that Dallas couldn't offer this.

Your articles before the FA market opened is meaningless when his actions speak far louder than his words pre-fre agency.

Malone wants a ring. Shaq and Kobe give him the best possibility. His taking less money, and significantly less indicate that was his primary choice.

You can put this to rest now. You have no point.

Kandi was sitting on the bench because the Clippers knew he wasn't coming back
Forgive me this slight faux pas here but...Please tell me your irrefutable source that states this. Your conjecture doesn't make it fact. It makes it hubr...nope, not gonna do it. Wouldn't be prudent...

By the way, that last part is humor. Not pictures of Kevin Bacon.

But that doesn't prove that he didn't want to go to Dallas.
Yes it does. You won't accept it because you have this vision it must be Cuban's fault.

We rejected Malone for Detlef Schrempf. He just returned the favor.

However, I am a big enough man to admit I was wrong about Kandi's age. He is not aged. He is not a Mav either.

Same article, same self-serving comments.
Self-serving because they kick the dog shite out of your complaint. You have no bitch. Malone was not coming here. He was going to LA all along.

Malone was NOT going to say he wanted to go to Dallas AFTER he signed with LA.
Malone took less money. What do you not get about that? That says what his intentions were. If he wanted more money, or to play with another team, he would have done so.

It was not about money. It was about Los Angeles!!! Lakers!!! Championships!!!

And perhaps eclipsing Abdul-Jabbars record in his house. But that is a mere guess on my part.

haven't shed any tears, and you haven't proven anything, except that you're a bit naive with respect to public relations in sports.
1. Naive means I don't understand. I understand perfectly. This kills your argument so you must defend this point to death.

2. So should we add public relations to your list of job titles you have a complete knowledge of? My, how do you get time to post here. You must be a busy man.

It's not about opening my mind. It's about what Malone said, and about what the Mavericks didn't do.
It's about what Malone wanted and the Mavericks couldn't do. And a point-of-contention so you can continued to gripe and paint yourself an expert who makes scintilating and accurate analysis on the team you have no inside sources to and only gather your information on websites and from journalists.

School's out............................................... .................................................. .............bucko!
I write because of love. I finish because of discipline.
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