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Old 11-26-2003, 12:58 PM   #46
Join Date: Oct 2003
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Default RE:Nellie on Barkley

Originally posted by: LRB
Originally posted by: sbjensen
Originally posted by: dude1394

I don't think charles could ever be accussed of being lazy on the basketball court, it's a shame someone doesn't point out to him how lazy he's being at his current job.
Fans probably DO point that out. TNT will NEVER point that out, b/c Charles brings viewers to the post-game show and the telecasts in general. The qualities that cause people to watch Charles on TNT are his celebrity, his outspoken opinions, and his humor. If he was better prepared, he would be right more often, but the ratings would probably be unaffected.

So, please explain to Charles why he SHOULDN'T be lazy. :-)

Ratings mean Jack Sh!t. Mostl knowledgeable fans are getting something to eat, using the bathroom, or doing something else other than listen to Charles pontificate at half time. Put an knowledgeable and informed announcer with real insights and a good personality and I'm quite sure that they would have many more people watching the than those who currently watch the Charles Barkley dumbass halftime show.
That may be so. Many of the fans who watch, however, are NOT "knowledgeable" fans. And, as some of the input on this thread demonstrates, some fans who at least THINK of themselves as knowledgeable (myself included), actually LIKE Charles.

I have no Nielsen data or focus group data about TNT, or it's pre-game, halftime, and post-game shows. In general, however, I know that TV audiences are thrilled by controversy, especially when accompanied by celebrity and humor. Charles brings a potent ratings combination, despite his laziness.

Steve Jensen
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