Thread: The Solution
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Old 12-06-2003, 06:51 PM   #57
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Default RE:The Solution

Originally posted by: Charlie Brown
you're such a joke, man . . .

you take what i say and then exaggerate it to such an extent that it misses the valid points i'm trying to make and only add to your persistence in trying to just make fun of me b4 having actually read a lot of my posts . . . i don't know if it feeds your ego to make fun of others on the board, but whatever . . .
No man. You are the joke here for your *coughcoughAnalysisCoughcough* but as you said : Whatever. [img]i/expressions/rolleye.gif[/img]

in any case, i NEVER said it's ALL WALKER'S FAULT.

Oh really? [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-shocked.gif[/img]

the mavs were already a highly efficient offensive team and if walker's so good for the mavs, his addition should have made us more efficient offensively, but that has yet to happen"

Care to elaborate, Chuck? [img]i/expressions/rolleye.gif[/img]

and I never said it's ALL his fault that the entire mavs team is shooting like shit. but i do believe that there are certain aspects of his game that makes the Mavs more inefficient offensively despite the several good stats (rbs, assts) he puts up.

I don't know man....That statement you made before was pretty anti-Walker but maybe I'm just imagining things, right? riiiiight.... [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-frown.gif[/img]

I really feel that late in the games, you need the ball in the hands of your best player.
I agree 100%, man. But our "Best Player" is INJURED now!! No one is stepping up so Walker feels he has to do SOMETHING...ANYTHING to help this team win. If Dirk was healthy, it would go to Dirk OBVIOUSLY. Walker's no Fool, chuck. This is Dirk's team but if Dirk is not healthy, someone has to step up. Fin SHOULD be the one to do that but he has been absolutely HIDEOUS lately....You can't have Nash shooting ALL THE TIME 'cause he has to continue to set up others for better looks at the basket....Jamison is a good post-player and offensive rebounder but he is like Walker*

*note : NOT Part of the BIG THREE.

I think with Walker on the floor, I feel that Nelson will be tempted more to go to Walker than Nowitzki and have Walker direct the offense along with Nash. I think this is a huge mistake. I see a lot of times where Walker can't find an open man late in games and he ends up flinging bad shots which he also did in Boston.
Chuck, what you feel and what you know is fact are TWO DIFFERENT THINGS. Before Walker got traded, I "FELT" that Walker would not be traded. The Fact? Walker did.

As for Walker not finding the open man late in games and flinging up bad shots....Give me an example so I know what you are referring to this season. But don't talk to me about what he did in Boston 'cause I've followed him since the Pitino days over there. Let me tell you that the Walker you see now is EONS Better than the Walker over there....Trust me.

I prefer to keep it simple and have Nash find the open man or allow Dirk to go to work and let him develop his own passing game.
I prefer the simple approach as well. I also prefer that Nash throw the ball into WALKER In the LOW-POST where can do some damage. And why does Dirk need to develop his own Passing game? The team won 60 games last year for crying out loud. They won it NOT By Dirk's "passing game" but by his SHOOTING GAME which is what we really Miss right now. I don't think you were even thinking about Dirk's passing while you were(along with other Mavs fans) on that magical 60-win ride last season....

It seems that only NOW that we have Walker on the team who is a very good passer, you feel like Walker is showing up Dirk by being a better(yes...BETTER) passer than him. OH and what about Rebounding? How many boards did Dirk average Last season? I'll bet it wasn't close to what Walker is averaging now, is it?

Jealousy anyone? [img]i/expressions/rolleye.gif[/img]

what the hell is all this? i never said EVERYONE ON THE FREAKING TEAM IS MORE EFFICIENT THAN WALKER. the point i'm trying to make is that if you take each aspect of Walker's game, there is someone on the Mavs who we can play late in games that can do it more efficiently or just as well.

That's NOT what you said!! Want to refresh your memory? Here :

. . . i know it's early, but i think walker's addition simply takes away opportunities from other players who are more efficient at doing what he does . . .
Where in this statement did you mention the "Mavs who we can play LATE in Games" part?

EXACTLY. [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-frown.gif[/img]

Walker's passing - Nash is better.
AND? Nash better be BETTER at passing than Walker. He's the PG! lol.

But Walker's Passing is BETTER than Dirk's.

Walker's defensive rebounding - Dirk is just as good and maybe better.
Has Dirk ever averaged close to 10 boards a game? What did he average last year? Not bashing Dirk or anything....Just curious.

Walker's offensive rebounding - Jamison's just as good.
At least Walker FINISHES most of the time around the basket and doesn't miss a TRILLION tip-ins after getting an offensive rebound....OR when he gets the offensive rebound he brings back outside to Nash to re-set the offense...

Walker's scoring - Nash, Dirk, Jam, etc. are more efficient.
True. So what's your point? If Dirk is injured, Nash is struggling, and Jamison is missing a bunch of gimmes....What do you expect Walker to do? Just stand by and let the Mavericks play 4 on 5 basketball? Nellie would sit Walker's azz permanently if he didn 't make an Effort to SCORE.

I.E Walker does a lot of things well, but I don't think his skills will be missed when we have weaknesses that another player out there can address.
You can believe what you want but I'm telling you that Cuban is not Danny Ainge. He likes Walker and respects him. Nellie finally found his Point-Forward and I don't think he would approve of #8 being moved right after getting him for basically GARBAGE(Raef LaFrentz and junk)....

Walker's not a horrible player. I just think he's not the right fit with this team with the players we already have.
Tell that to DIRK who said in a recent article that it's "a Pleasure to play alongside him". [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif[/img]

Okay....WHEW! I'm out.

<img src="

This was SUPPOSED to be a picture of Toine....But I guess even the Forum itself got sick of seeing him...
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