Thread: Pitchforks!
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Old 04-21-2004, 12:46 PM   #54
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Default RE: Pitchforks!

Max Power-
What are you smoking? Nobody puts there best offensive player on the other team's best offensive player, regardless of how good a defender he is. You wouldn't have seen KG or Duncan guarding Webber. Fact is, Dirk is a decent defender. You think he's worse than Duncan or KG? Then how is it that Dirk lights it up against them?
A big, big part of defense is help-side. There are very few one-on-one stoppers out there. You've got your Ben Wallace's, but the list is short. It so happens that Najera IS one of the better on the ball defenders in the league at times. All of the all-star big men, get taken to school by the other good offensive big men.
No, Dirk isn't in there taking charges, but he can't afford to try. We can't afford to have him on the bench if he doesn't get the call. As it is, he will get fouls that are a result of our poor perimeter defense. You don't see Duncan and KG taking charges either. Blocking shots is another big part of defense, and Dirk gets blocks.
We all know Dirk hasn't been a good defender in the past. Not true this year. As far as this series goes, Dirk is flat getting it done defensively. Miller and Divac are no slouches on offense. The Kings big men have really torn us up so far, right? For you to come on this board and criticize Dirk's defense these 2 games is ludicrous, irresponsible, and, frankly, in poor taste.

You want to talk about Dirk demanding the ball for the final shot? You think he didn't want it? What is he supposed to do? Tell them team not to run the play the coach called? The same coach who drafted him and built the team around him? It's just not as simple as demanding a pass from a teammate. There may come a day when what Dirk wants is more important than what the coach wants, but it is a delicate situation and you can't expect him to sieze control of the team at that moment. It certainly looks like Dirk's power is growing, but to go against the coach is a monumental step. Would KG go against Saunders in the same situation?
You want the Finley bashing to stop? It will stop when he decides to play defense, rebound, and take the ball to the basket, other than once in a blue moon. It will stop when he decides to be the "heart and soul" or "leader" he is supposed to be and show up more often than not, when it counts. Besides, we are all talking about this series only. Finley deserves plenty of criticism for this series, so that's what he's getting. Nothing more, nothing less. And nobody is on here singing Nash's praises, or making excuses for him. He deserves criticism, and he's getting it. Dirk doesn't deserve it, so he's NOT getting it.
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