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Old 10-20-2004, 11:38 AM   #145
Join Date: Mar 2002
Posts: 794
Lvubun1 is on a distinguished road
Default RE:Official Political Poll Thread

Like Dooby said, it all comes down to Ohio, Florida and PA. In the new polls released today for the first time in months somebody (Kerry) has opened up a lead outside the margin of error in PA. Which means Bush would need to take both Florida and Ohio, the polls today released for Ohio doesn't look good. From electoral-vote: "A new poll from the University of Cincinnati shows Kerry ahead in Ohio, 48% to 46%. Rasmussen's tracking poll shows Bush and Kerry tied at 47% each in Ohio, the first time Bush has not led there for weeks. ABC News says its Kerry 50%, Bush 47%, but Fox News says it is the other way: Kerry 45% and Bush 47%." They base their map on the most recent poll not the average, in this case that being the Fox News. If they did the average, Ohio would be blue state making the count Kerry 311 Bush 227 so once again, it comes down to whoever wins 2 out of 3.

As for Nevada, as a Nevadian I too never thought it would be in play, but after Bush's flipflop on Yucca mountain it somewhat is, though I still believe Bush will win.
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