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Old 10-21-2004, 11:26 AM   #19
Join Date: Jul 2004
Location: Rhineland-Palatinate/Germany
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Default RE:Some hilarious Bush quotes

I'm getting my information from many different sources, like a lot of my fellow countrymen.

There is not only German media, there is also CNN, NBC aswell as the Internet. Altogether quite a differentiated presentation of the facts. I haven't seen a single coverage in German TV that suggested that the USA were behind 911.

your questions are so out of touch with reality, it isn't even funny.

think Saddam Hussein was innocent of war crimes?
I have yet to meet somebody who doesn't think Saddam is a terrible criminal, though even Saddam has the right to be tried, before he is found guilty.
think the US orchestrated the attacks of 9/11?
Noone I know believes that the US are behind 911, however some people think the Bush administration profited from the attack in an indirect way. But I don't think anybody in his right mind thinks they organised or supported the attacks. The result of that poll might be misleading. Do you know the exact context the questions were asked in? What does 'support' mean? Osamas family profited from the USA, so you could call that support. The CIA supported the Mujahedin (sp?) and thus Osama in a way.
"...may have sponsored..." what kind of question is that anyway? If they had asked: "Do you think they did?" Yes/No. Do you honestly think 20% would say yes, lol. How much Americans do you think wouldn't rule it out completly that the Bush adminstration or any other US organisation supported Osama in some kinda way? I'm sure you have your share of conspiracy theorists, that's an essential part of a healthy democracy. If there was no opposition, that should make you think.
think the Security Council vetos of France & Russia were not bought?
Where is your proof that the UN security council votes have been 'bought'? If you would take it as an indicator for me being a 'terrorist sympathizer' if I didn't believe they were bought, you must have really strong evidence. So proof me that your theories are fact, before you call anybody 'indoctrinated'. And what would be the point in 'buying' TWO vetos, if you just needed one?
think women deserve death for learning to read or for showing their face in public?
This point is one of the most rediculous things I've ever heard. It isn't even worth commenting on. Anyway:
Saddam doesn't equal Taliban. Saddam is a massmurder and a cruel dictator. But he did not kill women because they learned to read, lol, I wonder were you got that idea from.
And about Germany supporting the Taliban (which your question implied, if you didn't confuse Iraq and Afghanistan):
Do you realize, that there are still some thousand German troops deployed in Afghanistan and that German soldiers lose their lifes defending the freedom of the Afghan people? And btw, all that talk about anti-Americanism is totally overrated. Very few people over here hate America. Most people adore America. Just because they don't agree with the decisions of the US administration, doesn't make them anti-American. Obviously we have different outlooks on life, but we all believe in freedom and democracy.

back to my lurking duties.
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