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Old 10-24-2004, 10:46 AM   #7
Blonde Bomber
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Default RE:My Official: Plan to get the Rangers to the World Series in '05


- For SS, I'd sign a cheap veteran, ie. Vizquel, to fight it out for the starting job with Ian Kinsler. Vizquel, while still capable of providing good defense, would also be an ideal #2 hitter because he's a switch-hitter and has great bunting skills. Kinsler has shown some advanced plate skills as his BB numbers were good last year and he doesn't K that much. That a young hitter shows that much plate discipline already is impressive. He can also steal some bases and coupled with his potential for producing a decent OBP, that would make him an ideal leadoff hitter.

I thought of Vizquel also, but he is pretty long in the tooth also and really doesn't fit the youth movement that the Rangers are trying to go with. Also, I thought Kinsler played 2nd base....if that's the case keep Young at SS and let Kinsler play 2nd.

We also need to keep in mind that Jason Botts is about ready to explode on the scene very soon and he may fight for an outfield job if the Rangers fail to get a bonified starting outfielder in FA.
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