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Old 11-05-2004, 02:07 AM   #24
Join Date: Mar 2002
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Lvubun1 is on a distinguished road
Default RE:The Official DM Democrat wound licker thread (all welcome)

Originally posted by: kg_veteran
Originally posted by: Lvubun1

I think that kinda sums it up. If you look at the county electoral map its a sea of red, if you didn't know better you would say Bush won by 30 million votes not by 3. Of course, the explaination is, alot of the red squares were places like Yourmoma, Misssissippi, population 19. Home of the 4th largest water well, three cops, two post offices, one stop light. While the blue squares were places, well where people actually live, New York, LA, Chicago, Las Vegas, Detroit, etc. I'm not sure if Dems will win another national election, this election didn't turn out the way it did cause of Iraq, jobs, education, etc. Look at the exit polls, it all came down to morals. The "Science? We don' need nos steenkin' science! We has the bible!" "Hey their! i donts care if it is her own body" "Those sinful smelly fa.....I mean gheys aren't gonna run around getting married, raping my sons or whatever else those sub-humans do!" crowd.

Dems if they want to win again, have two choices, number one to morally-wise, appeal to what a majority of the people feel. Or wait it out, most people who voted simply for morals in those red states, have old school, long time morals and they aren't changing. For the most part this country is becoming more open-minded when it comes to gays, science etc. Especially among younger people because they are going to school with homosexuals, know people who have had abortions etc. only 17% of young people voted, but as those open minded(or sinful, it depends) people grow-up, they are alot more likely to vote and chances are most will vote democrat. In closing, I'm just so glad its over, i'm just in politics overdrive mode. Now things can go back to normal, W can go back to vacationing at the Ranch for weeks at time, all those record phone calls and campaign mailings can stop, and all the Michael Moore's, Sean Hannity's, Ann Coulter's, and Al Frankin's can get off my damn TV.
It's this kind of elitist, arrogant attitude that has sent the Democratic party in a downward spiral.

I've read a number of different Democratic/liberal websites following the election to see what the reaction would be. And invariably, the reaction is similar to what Lvubun said. "If it weren't for those damn homophobic, illiterate, inbred, redneck right-wing fascist zealots, we'd have won this election. But hey, that's okay, we just have to get more 'progressive' and things will go our way."

You need to wake up to reality. It's not that the people who voted to elect George Bush are stupid, bigoted, or intolerant. They simply have a different worldview than you do.

Their is alot of reasons why the Dems lost, don't have the time to get into them now. I never said everybody who voted for W, did just for reasons I mentioned earlier, but you cannot deny the fact that morals, were a huge factor in why people voted for the President. The most important issues among voters was "Moral Values" with 22% Jobs was next with 20%, people who felt that Moral values was their most important issue voted 80% for Bush. How can you deny that morals weren't the deciding factor in this election.

COLUMBUS, Ohio, Nov. 3 - Proposed state constitutional amendments banning same-sex marriage increased the turnout of socially conservative voters in many of the 11 states where the measures appeared on the ballot on Tuesday, political analysts say, providing crucial assistance to Republican candidates including President Bush in Ohio and Senator Jim Bunning in Kentucky.

In Ohio, for instance, political analysts credit the ballot measure with increasing turnout in Republican bastions in the south and west, while also pushing swing voters in the Appalachian region of the southeast toward Mr. Bush. The president's extra-strong showing in those areas compensated for an extraordinarily large Democratic turnout in Cleveland and in Columbus, propelling him to a 136,000-vote victory.

"I'd be naïve if I didn't say it helped," said Robert T. Bennett, chairman of the Ohio Republican Party. "And it helped most in what we refer to as the Bible Belt area of southeastern and southwestern Ohio, where we had the largest percentage increase in support for the president."

Not as a whole, cause alot of people voted for W for other reasons, but those aforementioned 22% in my opinion are, stupid, bigoted and intolerant. I realize, its alot more flashy if W won because of important issues like the Economy and Iraq, but he didn't, he won because of the stupid, bigoted, and intolerant came out in all their stupid, bigoted, and intolerant glory.

Example, South Carolina Senate race, they voted overwhelming for a person Jim Demitt who said "Openly gay teachers shouldn't be allowed to teach in public schools" he followed that up with "Unwed mothers are unfit to stand in front of a classroom" And the reason they voted for him? You got it, morals. Maybe in the "reality" you think I need to wake up to, thats not stupid, bigoted and intolerant, therefore I will elect to stay in mine.
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