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Old 04-03-2005, 07:07 AM   #204
Join Date: Aug 2004
Posts: 231
Don_Didi is on a distinguished road
Default RE:Dallas @ Philadelphia Gameday Thread

Originally posted by: Thespiralgoeson
Originally posted by: Don_Didi
Originally posted by: Thespiralgoeson
It's good to see other Mavs' fans feel the same way I do about Nash. I remember when Nash left everyone I knew said "I'll still root for him" and "We'll miss him." I, on the other hand thought he was a traitor and I'm glad he's gone. When he was here, I loved him and thought he could do no wrong, but now I see how much of a difference it makes to have a point guard that can play defense. Besides, he's already 30 and is only going to get older, and more worn out. I'm going to really take pleasure in watching the Mavs kick Phoenix's defensless ass all up and down the court. And when the Mavs win a championship, I'll really enjoy seeing Nash looking from outside in, wishing he would've stayed in Dallas.
Ah, spoken by a truly bitter fan. You should give credit where credit is duea,d show respect where respect is due, or just shut up altogether You want us to boo Nash every time he comes to Dallas or soething? IS that your style?
Actually, I was half-joking. Of course I give credit where credit is due. Nash played a major part in building this franchise into what it is. And I certainly don't want everyone to boo him (when Phoenix played at the AAC, I not only cheered on Nash, but wore his jersey.) In all honesty, I just loved him too much when he played here. I would say things like "He's more important to the team than Dirk is..." just because he was my favorite, not because I really believed it. When he left, I was pissed off. The fact that Phoenix had an incredible season just made it worse. Deep down, I still love the guy, but I want the Mavs to beat the crap out of Phoenix, and as I said before, if and when the Mavs win it all, I will really enjoy seeing Nash looking from outside-in.

Oh yeah, don't tell me to shut up.
I understand the sentiment, but I really don't think it is necessary. I think it's no secret to anyone that Phoenix is one of the more unloikely title contenders in this league, it would take a remarkable feat indeed for Nash not to look from the outside in. I guess I just can't agree with you, but your extra explanation sure negates most of the edge of my previous post. I appologize.
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