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Old 08-29-2005, 09:07 PM   #25
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Default RE:What a shock!? BUSH popularity at all time low...

Originally posted by: dude1394
You know md, most of the time I think you are misguided but intelliegent. But I sort of begin to question that when you throw something like the above out?

There is absolutely nothing that can be done about high energy costs except..
- Drill more, refine more, build more power plants, build more nuclear power, buy cars that get more gas mileage. Of course the high prices will do all of these things automatically and hopefully throw out the democrats who fight hand and tooth these policies. I believe for example we'll approve drilling in ANWAR soon, thank goodness.
you look at this very simplisticly, and you are decieving yourself if you honestly believe that we can not do anything about our oil addiction. look into brazil for example, where they are using renewable energy sources (such as ethanol) for about 1/3 of their energy needs. we produce enough corn to halve our oil imports, if our government had supported this type of endeavor rather than subsidizing oil production we likely would not be feeling the price squeeze.

want to reduce high energy costs? develop alternative sources to reduce the demand on oil.

your soapbox on demos/repubs is getting sooo old. there are many demos who want higher gas mileage standards fo autos...but guess who blocked them? and ANWAR as a solution? that's the same mindset that has left our country depending on oil for our energy needs today.

Of course the fastest thing to do would be to:
1. Somehow derail the china and india growing economies.
2. Price caps, then we could just have shortages like jimmah brought us, but it'd be cheaper!

Somehow, somehow you honestly think that an issue of executive priviledges would somehow obviate what folks are feeling seeing gas go from 1.00 to 3.00...

No WONDER your party keeps losing elections.
actually I''ve voted for many winners and many losers of elections. some were dems and some were not. get off your friggin' soapbox, you sound too much like limbaugh.

the chinese and indian economies help keep ours going, we're globalized remember? i recall reading on how the chinese boom has reduced our core inflation rate by about 2.5 points.

the champion of price controls was none other than...dick nixon. so much for your party bashing...

the isssue of our energy dilemna isn't executive priviledge, it does however rest on what our executive and legislative branchs are doing to help us reduce our appetite for imported energy. while they continue to propose and help pass legislation that gives corporate welfare to the energy producers under the guise of our national interests, opportunity is lost to facilitate and develop alternative energy sources that are not only indiginous but renewable.

don't you ask yourself why, if we had the scenario unfold 30 years ago of an energy crisis, we find ourselves here today with a similar scenario? it isn't because of dems or repubs, it's due to the lobbyists getting their way.
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