Thread: Bandwagon Fans
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Old 06-09-2006, 12:13 AM   #44
Join Date: Jun 2006
Posts: 3
dallasjayhawks is on a distinguished road

It used to really bother me. Then I moved to Austin 3 years ago (just moved back to Dallas 2 weeks ago) and I saw firsthand thousands of people suddenly become first Spurs fans, then Astros fans, then UT fans just because they were winning. Three teams I totally despise. So I just kinda got used to it. Of course those weren't "my" teams so I wasn't mad but it was hard having to deal with people who knew nothing about sports make fun of me, "oh how are the rangers? haha" or "mavericks suck!"

Having been back in Dallas only 2 weeks, I haven't noticed the change. Everyone in Austin is a Spurs fan, and everyone in Dallas was already on the Mavs bandwagon by the time I got back. I work at the Galleria and I can say it is very annoying seeing people come in wearing Mavs shirts and then asking "so when do they play?" or "how many games are left?" This lady tonight asked me "so what's the score?" I'm like "I don't know, I'm not watching the game, I'm ringing you up."

So yes its annoying, but a small price to pay.
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