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Old 10-27-2006, 10:35 PM   #44
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Diop hasn't missed a beat. That man hustles and goes after everything. I agree with whoever said he looks skinnier too.

MBenga looks better than last time I saw him. I also agree with whoever (I think Bayliss) said he seems more aware of where he needs to be on the court.

Dirk is Dirk. The only thing of concern is that the Spurs big men did a good job of keeping him in front of them. Last year he blew by whoever he wanted.

Croshere sucks. My gosh I don't remember him being that bad. What happened to him?

Howard looked the same and was hitting the jumper. I wonder if Pop plans on using Bowen on him or if tonight was a gimmick?

George brings what? This is the first game I've seen so maybe it was a fluke but he did nothing for me tonight.

Buckner had some nice plays and then some that made me throw the nerf ball at the tv. I'm glad to see him wearing a Mavs uni again.

Stackhouse just looked rusty and not enough playing time to say more than that.

Johnson I thought would bring more but he wasn't as good as I remembered him either. I was disappointed.

Terry and Harris were the two guys I was most concerned about. Yes, I know it's one game and meaningless but they were torching the Spurs guards last season but tonight it was the exact opposite. Beno freakinUdrich and Jaque freakinVaughn were staying right with Harris tonight. Hell even Barry kept Harris from getting to the basket at will. The Spurs guards owned the Mavs tonight.

I'm not worried or anything like that I just expected more from some of the new guys and was a bit disappointed there.

For the other side:

The big 3 did their thing and that was no surprise. That was the Ginobli I remembered from a couple years ago so the only question is whether he'll stay healthy. If he does the Spurs can't be so easily dismissed by some here.

Oberto starting at center is intriguing. He's so undersized but he has great positioning and goes after everything. He moves his feet better than I remember too. I wonder if Pop keeps him as a starter even if Elson or Butler outplay him just to keep those guys out of early foul trouble?

Barry looked more comfortable than he did last season. I was surprised how hesitant he was last year but he looked very active tonight.

Bowen and Horry stay the same. You know the defense will be there and some nights they'll hit their shots and other nights they're a little off.

Butler has the potential but looks pretty raw still. If he makes an impact this year it probably won't come till after the all-star break.

Elson was more impressive than I remember him in Denver. Even with the mistakes Pop can afford to leave him out there cause he runs the floor so well and can get out on guys outside without being totally embarassed. Both he and Butler looked much better than Rasho or Nazr ever did so maybe the Spurs didn't make such bad moves there after all.

Bonner struggled. He might hit those 3's eventually and his hustle will get him some playing time but he looked pretty lost out there.

Williams was a surprise actually. I thought he was done and while he looks extremely out of shape he might just give them some solid spot minutes.

The Spurs looked pretty good playing a more uptempo game without going away from their system.
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