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Old 05-04-2007, 08:18 AM   #6
Join Date: Feb 2002
Posts: 244
NYMavFan is on a distinguished road

You call it acting like a child at games. I think a lot of others would say he's just acting like a fan,and a passionate one at that. I never said he was perfect, but he is someone to be respected... not just as a Mavs owner but also as a business thinker. I'm sorry if you and many others allow one small part of his behavior blind you from that.

Originally Posted by jthig32
My only real point is that someone who dislikes someone like Dirk and holds someone like Cuban in high esteem is probably not a real desireable person to be around or know.
Oh, I'm quite sorry for disagreeing with you. Thanks for your excellent "point" here. Perhaps a better approach would be for you to actually tell me WHY you like Dirk despite the fact that he has come up short in every single playoff series except for last season.

You know nothing of me, but will go ahead and dismiss all of my opinions because I don't like Dirk and I do like Cuban. Well, good for you. You fit right in with the board. I know you'd like to keep the community tight and keep the dissenters out. That way, you won't have to hear all these uncomfortable opinions and can go on living your happy, homer-esque existence. No skin off my back. Like I said, there's a reason I don't post here much. Go ahead and tell yourself that it's better for the place that I don't. Rationalizing to make yourself feel better is a good way stay delusional.
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