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Old 07-08-2007, 07:23 PM   #19
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Janett_Reno is a name known to allJanett_Reno is a name known to allJanett_Reno is a name known to allJanett_Reno is a name known to allJanett_Reno is a name known to allJanett_Reno is a name known to allJanett_Reno is a name known to allJanett_Reno is a name known to allJanett_Reno is a name known to allJanett_Reno is a name known to allJanett_Reno is a name known to all

1.Started an unnecessary war based on faulty intelligence
2. Port authority debacle
3. Due to his decision to go to war caused a 400 billion debt
4. Poor handling of Katrina
5. Let the bulk of Al Queda slip out of our hands in tora bora
6. Embroiled us in a quadmire in Iraq
7. Cause members of his own party to distance themselves from him
8.Bush likes to say that his enormous tax cuts that give hundreds of billions of dollars to America's wealthiest people are job-creation programs. But America has bled millions of jobs since Bush's tax cuts became law, so it's time to try something new. Bush's new tactic? Beg China and Japan to increase the value of their currencies, which will make American manufacturers more competitive. But Bush has nothing to offer in return -- and has done little to make other countries inclined to offer him favors. Instead of making pointless pleas to other countries, maybe Bush should come up with an economic plan that would actually create jobs instead of just putting more money in the pockets of those who need it least.

China is about to overtake us on exports. We owe China with so much debt will we ever get out from it? Just and wait and see when our country is a slave and us as people are slaves to them in the future. They make it look nice but i know how bad life is in China and you do not open your mouth or you will not live long there. Bush has put us in so far debt it will be hard for this country to ever overcome.

We have started a war that most are saying now war crimes should and maybe will come to the top 4 or 5 in charge. Some resigned and got the hell out. We attacked a country that had nothing to do with 9-11. Nothing. The muslims and the extreme religious people was scarred as hell of Sadam and they would not attack him. The Iraqi people could walk down the street without getting bombed daily or Sadam would chop their heads off, of the ones that did. He was mean but atleast it wasn't a terriost country as it is now. That country is lost and gone now forever. Bush & Chenney made quick Halliburton money off the deal but at the expense of many. We will not get to steal their oil or pipe and reroute their oil fields like we want to allies of our all thru Europe. The muslim people are saying hell no to any American wanting that oil.

We are one of the most hated countries in the world now. Not by muslims but by all.

Gas will never be the same on what Bush has done. It will always be high forever now.

What we have done with secret torture prisons is wrong and not how we have always lived and treated people.

Open borders with Mexico is wrong and Bush will not stop the flow of illegals and doesn't want to. He also doesn't want anything done to the ones here now and why is this a prob? One hits you in a car and has no insurance, you pay for it and it was his fault, not only you pay for your car but your insurance goes up. The hospitals must accept them and you are the one paying for his hospitals visit.

Our jobs are being shipped out to China in record numbers and even Mexico. Companies are cutting peoples benefits and people has no say so, you work for your check and go home and shut up or you will get relieved of your duties because an illegal can do the job.

We will not invest in an altertative energy source because big oil controls much in this country and you do not screw with the oil companies.

A vice Pres is not suppose to run a country but Cheney does as Bush is a puppet on a string and he doesn't have sense enough to get in out of the rain.

The Patriot Act.

Global warming is the least of my worries. Oh yes it is there but what Bush has done is much worse. Budget? What budget, spend and spend? Economy isn't good for the working man.

I tell you why we can't just raise hell and kill and attack who we want. Bush doesn't like North korea but do we need to go kill the pres there like we did Sadam? If we do we face China. Do we g kill the pres in Chavez in Ven just because him and Bush hate each other? No, because then we are into it with South America. Do we go kill the pres in Syria that Bush hates? No, because the Muslim people will bomb the American streets that live in America and most Muslim nations will be getting here and bombing the hell out of us making this a holly war.

You will never win a holly war, you will never win a politcal war. You can't make anyone be a certain religion or you can't make anyone be a certain political party. How would you feel if someone said you must be Muslim and a Democrat or you can get the hell out? You wouldn't like it as we have these freedoms but we can't make people live like us or be like us because they don't want to. Iraq was no threat to us but if all those Muslim nations gang up on us then it can be a threat because we started it.

The people that bombed our towers are mostly from Saudia Arabia, so why didn't Bush destroy them? Because they are big buddies in oil.

As a usa citizen we need to be humble and nice to everyone that does good, no matter what religion he is or what party he is, dem or rep but also we should not stand by and keep on taking up for people that do wrong and will continue to do wrong.

45% of all Americans want Bush and his top admin impeached. Not dems but all. Repubs, dems, independents, etc. He has been one of the worst, if not worst pres in history of the usa. Just ask the republicans.
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