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Old 08-26-2007, 02:37 PM   #16
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Obama Holds On to Slim Leads Over Giuliani, Thompson

45% - 43% over Rudy

45% - 41% over Fred

Congressional Ballot

Now this is bad. Remember dude reports that Fox say's Democrats in congress is approved by only single digits. I agree, these are very bad numbers for the Democrats but what we all forget is how much the Republicans are approved. I think the public has not seperated a neocon from a Republican and have put both in the same basket. I think in the up comming months you will see more and more jumping ship and getting as far away as they can from Bushie & Chains. Oh here is the poll on the next house election if it was help now.

If the Congressional Election were held today, 47% of American voters say they would vote for the Democrat in their district while 37% would opt for the Republican. The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey found 6% favoring a third-party option while 10% are not sure. That’s virtually unchanged from the 46% to 37% advantage the Democrats enjoy a month ago.

Seventy percent (70%) of American voters now believe it is likely Democrats will retain control of Congress following the 2008 elections. That figure has changed little in recent months and includes 40% who say it’s Very Likely Pelosi’s party will keep running Congress.

20% Say Country Heading in Right Direction

New York Sen. Hillary Clinton has eked out a 46 - 43 percent lead over her chief Republican rival in the 2008 presidential race, former New York City Mayor Rudolph Giuliani, and has improved her favorability among American voters, according to a
Quinnipiac University national poll released today.

Clinton leads Arizona Sen. John McCain 47 - 41 percent;

Clinton tops former Tennessee Sen. Fred Thompson 49 - 38 percent;

What is funny, is any Democrat is going to vote for whatever Democrat is the nominee. Most non political party will also as they want to get out and vote every anti Bushie/Chains vote they can. The public will come out and vote again, just like they did in the house and senate races, when the Democrats had a strong showing. On the other hand, some preachers and the religious base down south said other day, it is alot that refuse to back Rudy. They do not believe in some of the things Rudy does and they are having trouble with that many wifes to say "faith and morals".

Most Republicans see this and know this and believe Fred is their only hope against Hills or even Obama but what is funny is they do not know how the Democrats will rip Fred. The media will and he will not be able to stand up and say "well", not sure about that. Atleast Rudy will get up and talk and yes he get's himself in some bad situtaions at times but atleast he will try to talk about it. Neither one can hold a candle to Hills or Obama in a debate. I do not think Fred is any spring chicken and i need to look up and see how many times he has been married. He has him a 40 year old trophy wife now.

Even if the faith and morals preachers try to turn Fred into this, it won't play good. Wifes, young wife, he flips flops back and forth on abortion and gay's. If it was truely a faith and morals issue, they would want Mitt or McCain because they are much more the faith and morals people that is running but they know those two haven't got a chance againt Hills or Obama.

I have been trying to figure out who Rudy and Fred pick for their vice. Both Rudy and Fred carry alot of baggage when they bring up, "the faith and morals party" or "compassionate conservatism". Maybe Rudy would pick Jeb Bush for his vice and Fred could pick Neil Bush for his.
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