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Old 10-23-2007, 04:22 PM   #6
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I don't think the Democrats will be weak on defense dude. I think they will be totally opposite with Hillary being the strongest and most firm of the Democrats.

No, i think Iran and Syria having nuclear bombs would be a bad thing. I feel we should not go alone and bully people. The Europeans are afraid of W because they think he is a bully and some call him a dictator. We do not want to be thought of that way.

I believe we should work with other middle east countries, europeans, nato, the world and let's have other's that stand with us. W did a great thing going after Laden and Al Queda in Afgahanstan. Then he did a bad thing going into Iraq and i still do not understand the move. Let's hope they didn't go in there for a staging place to then go into Iran.

I did hear today that violence is down and the killings in Iraq, so maybe this is a better sign of things to come, let's hope so. The scarry thing is alot do not even think of Israel as a country or a people. That little country is very strong and can defend itself. We know how much Iran, Iraq and Syria disliked and dislikes Israel and other muslim countries. In the bible, it says this will never stop and it will always be fighting and turmoil there. It is a powder keg over there and a drop of a hat, they are all ready to fight.

Under some cicumstances i do believe we have a right to go in but not under of us saying Sadam is evil, NK is evil, Syria and Iran is evil and etc. Let's use our heads, negotiate, bring in allies and tell them the problems we have with the evil countries. Why not bring in allies?

dude, i feel it is more than you and i know why we went into Iraq. Not just because Sadam was an evil man. Maybe someday we will know the real reason and then we can understand it all better. When you get to the root of alot of problems in the middle east, you must face it, it is religion. Ask a Muslim how they feel about the Jewish religion and ask a Jewish person about the Muslim religion. I hear the same thing as it says in the bible that the muslims feel they are being persucuted. Then the Jewish people just want to be respected and reconized as a people and country.

I know this is off the subject but again it really isn't because religion is behind the bad going on, fighting and killing. I am not saying we went in because of religion but why it is a powder keg over there and they all must respect the other and let each country be a country. Then some will say, well that isn't Israel's land and we want it back because it is our holy land and see again where things turn back into a powder keg.

We live in the good ole usa with Democrats, Republicans, Independents and so many different type religions we can't even name them all and even people that don't believe in nothing but we respect everyone and we all get along or tolerate one another.
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