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Old 07-31-2002, 08:17 PM   #18
Blonde Bomber
Golden Member
Join Date: Jan 2002
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I can't understand why you people do not like this trade.

Here is the way I looked at it...

<b>Bradley -vs- Ward</b>

Both these players do absolutely nothing for there repective clubs.
And NO...there is no more UPSIDE to Shawn Bradley. He is a complete waste of money and space. He showed me last year that he only cares about taking care of his family and not about improving his basketball skills.
Ward is a decent defender with really no apparent offensive skills.
BUT...why this tilts into the Mavs favor is that there is only one more year (I THINK)left on his contract. So he becomes the backup point gaurd next year and then he's outta here.


<b>Excel -vs- Thomas, Harrington, 1ST Round draft pick </b>

OK...hello. Why does this not tilt in our favor. Thomas and Harrington would bring a lot of what this team really needs...Defense..people who are willing to bang(though not sure about Harrington). But what I really like about it is the draft pick. With all these trades, and player turnover that the Knicks are going through this summer I have a hard time believing that they will make the playoffs this year. I mean the Rockets got lucky why not the Mavericks. Someone like Yao might not be there but have any of you heard of somebody named Lebron James..(sarcasm)
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