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Old 08-28-2002, 03:52 PM   #14
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I certainly do not think that there is anything wrong with the atheleticism of dirk, raef, nash, finley that will not allow them to play at least marginally better defense.

I'm not trying to say they're not athletic, actually that's what makes it frustrating at times watching them defensively because the Mavs are so athletic. However to be a defensive minded person, you have to have the will, all the athletic ability in the world won't help you. Think about it, Pippen was a gifted athlete and even when he was in his prime I wouldn't say he was the MOST athletic in the NBA but he was arguably the best defender because he made a conscious effort to be that defensive player. I don't know if the Mavs current roster has anyone that can put this mind set along with the ability and become that well rounded defensively.

A case in point of this is what Filthy said. When Fin was with Phoenix he was their BEST defensive player. The reason why was because he knew to get on the floor and get time he had to do that. All his points were hustle points and he just worked his ass off at the defensive end. Now he has evolved to a very good scorer. Now that doesn't mean he doesn't have the ability, but alot of offensive players in the NBA conserve energy, putting forth that type of energy at one end of the floor means they can conserve at the other. Only ONE player comes to mind when I think of that and that's Jordan.. However even with Jordan he had to stop that because he was getting so tired. That's why once Pippen developed, he got the toughest defensive assignment because they relied on Jordan so much at the offensive end.

Prince you make a valid point.. It would do wonders for the team by bringing in someone who can concentrate on that end of the court solely, I'm sure it will only HELP the team out.
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