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Old 08-28-2002, 11:19 PM   #41
Join Date: Jan 2002
Posts: 501
Kat is on a distinguished road

Anyone going to the Cowboys games? I went to the last one. Great game, even though Cundiff lost his foot at the end. I just wanted to cry, damn, I could've made that (22yds) from my seat. We have to get more females to go to the games, damn (not really complaining), four of us went (gal night out),and we were outnumbered 100 to one. It was tooo much fun! I am excited about the "Boys" this year, we might even win a couple of games!

We might as well turn this into the "gals" thread, as I really don't want to participate in the rest of the board after reading the threads. Sounds like we are under attack by the drones of the "other unnamed boards".

The Rasheed thread is beyond hope. I want to say, "shut up", and let's see what happens. Damn it. Bored minds lead to stupid shit. And no sentry at the door................
What happened to my nun?
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