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Old 06-19-2008, 01:55 PM   #33
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Originally Posted by DirkFTW
There are a lot of wackos on the left who are voting for Obama. That doesn't mean Obama stands for everything they believe in. It's actually impossible because those beliefs will contradict with some from other Obama supporters. (See the problem on the Obama-run forums).

The last thing we want to be doing is chasing Pakistani terrorists into Pakistani cities. They're going to blend in and disappear, forcing our hand. It's a lose-lose to chase after them into another nation unless we're planning on really doing something about it. The Pakistani government has the same problem, except it's their own people.

And I think Hezbollah has been laughing non-stop since they kidnapped that Israeli soldier from within Israel and then watched as Israel's military offensive did nothing except piss off the world.
Obama is the most libreal in the senate. Romney is a conservative. I like both, so you can't judge the book by the cover. Libberman and McCain, who knows what they are as they switch back and forth.

That is one reason why Bush/Cheney/Rumsfield policy is flawed. You chase after the terrorist and then he crosses back over to where we are not suppose to go and blends back in with the public. This is not only happening in Pakistan but many other countries in the middle east. This is a huge reason the war on terror or chasing terror around is hard because they blend back in and run across alley lines. I feel we should protect our country, invest in our country and fix our borders. Dudes argument could probably be, if we do this now and stay in the middle east, root them out over there, then we don't have to deal with them here. I would agree with him if if was vast land with no boundaries or borders or dealing with other govs.

When it comes to Bin Laden, i think we should chase him to wherever it takes us and never give up.
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