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Old 07-23-2008, 11:23 AM   #39
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Obama is behind in Ark as it stands now. Latest polls.

COLORADO (Rasmussen): Obama - 49%, McCain - 42%.
OHIO (Rasmussen): McCain - 46%, Obama - 40%.

COLORADO (Rasmussen): Congressman Mark Udall (D) - 47%, former Congressman Bob Schaffer (R) - 43%

KENTUCKY CD-3 (SurveyUSA): Congressman John Yarmuth (D) - 53%, former Congresswoman Anne Northup (R) - 43%.

United Kingdom: Obama 60%, McCain 15%.

France: Obama 64%, McCain 4%.

Germany: Obama 62%, McCain 10%.

Here is a big problem that is rearing it's head for republicans, to many red states close or going for Obama. They have let there own party go and didn't think they had to do anything but snap fingers to make a rep vote rep but they are seeing this isn't so. So this is big probs and it's not only in VA but many.

Poll: Obama Narrowly Ahead In Virginia

A new poll from Virginia suggests that Barack Obama is holding on to a narrow lead in this unlikely swing state, which Obama is making a major play for despite the fact that it hasn't voted Dem since 1964.

The new numbers from Public Policy Polling (D): Obama 46%, McCain 44%, within the ±2.7% margin of error, and consistent with other recent polls showing a close race.

The poll has McCain winning white voters by a 53%-36% margin, much narrower than George W. Bush's 68%-32% margin in 2004. Curiously, the poll also has Obama ahead 77%-16% among black voters, a margin that will likely grow by the time Election Day rolls around.

I also stick by anything less than Romney and Hillary, the two parties are cheating themself and won't get the best out of it. I hope McCain picks Jindal, Rudy or even Crisp. Obama i feel will go with either Hillary or Bayh. Bayh does help the dems with those states both parties are fighting for but Hillary gives him a homerun when she helps him big time in FL as well.

In a nut shell, reps are scarred to death of Hillary and you can ask dude, he voted for Obama because of how scarred he was of Hillary. McCain knows nothing about the economy and he can't speak. He needs Romney bad to talk for him and also a man that can help him on economics and also a republican and alot question if McCain is one of those.

Obama sure has done himself some good this week and now when he gets home he will go right behind McCain, in the states he has been in this week and he will talk about economics and you see what Obama talked about this week and has done a very good job so far.
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