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Old 07-24-2008, 04:28 PM   #101
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Kirobaito has a brilliant futureKirobaito has a brilliant futureKirobaito has a brilliant futureKirobaito has a brilliant futureKirobaito has a brilliant futureKirobaito has a brilliant futureKirobaito has a brilliant futureKirobaito has a brilliant futureKirobaito has a brilliant futureKirobaito has a brilliant futureKirobaito has a brilliant future


I cast the perseption that has fallen on America squarely on the Liberally biased mainstream media. The sheep keep following whatever the folks from CNN and other like them keep spewing.

It's pure liberal propoganda and when ever someone challenges them, they are called racist neo-cons.

And whenever people challenge the conservative propaganda spewed by FOX or Limbaugh, they are called naive terrorist sympathizers. What's your point?

I started my voting life as a middle/ I've grown older I move further and further to the right. I am a 40 year old white male. I'm married to my first and only wife, hitting 18 years this coming November. I have two teenage sons, getting ready to finish their final year of HS.

That's wonderful, but I don't quite understand your point. Are you trying to associate the right with 'family values' (whatever those are)?

My oldest son will vote this November...He has stated that he will vote straight Republican, but we both acknowledge that McCain is not the best candidate for the Republican party. We also agree that we absolutely do NOT trust the Democrats.

What the heck leads you to trust the Republicans, after this administration abashedly lied its people into supporting a war which has killed 4000 of our young men and women?

Hopefully, I will see a day where we can rise above the liberalism that is taking place as we rise up with a TRUE CONSERVATIVE REVOLUTION!!!

Unfortunately, history shows us that liberals win. They won when they freed slaves, they won when they established workers' rights, and they won with the Civil Rights movement. Conservatives lost all of those debates.

This is a tricky subject to touch (because people inevitably assume that by arguing this, I'm calling people slavery supporters, when in reality the point is that they're not), but world political history shows us one thing: things get more and more liberal. The definition of conservatism gets more and more liberal throughout history, while the definition of liberal gets more and more, well, liberal.

I am for Family, for STRAIGHT marriage, for life, for freedom of religion not from religion, Creationism as an alternative theory to evolution and it should be taught in the schools.

Well, that's wonderful. Nobody is forcing you to marry a man. But is not banning gay marriage forcing your ideology upon people in the same manner that you claim the Democrats will do to bring about dark times?

Creationism cannot be taught in schools because there is no evidence for it. If you want to teach your children creationism you can do it at home, and nobody will ever stop you from it. Schools can focus on what there is evidence for. If you teach Creationism, you must also teach every other viewpoint that exists. That cannot be done, so I'll gladly stick to what there is evidence for, kthx.

I believe in individual responsibility over welfare. I also believe the government can help those in need, but I believe that those on welfare/unemployment should have to do some type of accountable work in order to obtain the free money.

I agree to a certain extent, but not entirely. I think a return to certain New Deal programs, such as providing government service jobs to the unemployed would help with this issue.

I believe that my money should not be taxed at a higher rate, should I continue to increase my income.

I believe that what I pass on to my children when I die should NOT be taxed.

Unfortunately, with the state of America today, this issue is not "Tax lower" or "Tax higher." The issue is "Tax the way things are" and "Tax responsibly." This administration is the first in history to combine a war with a reduction in taxes for the wealthiest of people. Our tax rates are among the lowest in the industrialized western world when with this war they shouldn't be, because this administration does not understand the ideal of fiscal responsibility.

At the end of the day, I do NOT want the Liberal/Democrats to dictate how I should live my life...they preach tolerance...are they willing to be an example and tolerate my views and my life?

I don't think you should inherently group "Liberal" and Democrat. Liberalism, despite how much Conservatism loves to bitch about it, is the founding ideal of this country, and the most important thing to happen to civilization. By its nature, true liberalism does tolerate your views and your life, because its main point (and the root from which it comes) is freedom... which is definitely not what conservatism comes from (tradition). The conservative media and punditry has largely demonized the word 'liberal' because they don't have an argument against it. Candidates are now no longer allowed to call themselves 'liberal' even though the majority of Americans support liberalism (even though they don't call it that, due to the above movement).

The modern conservatism movement teaches anything but tolerance. I wonder if you see the hypocrisy in your speaking about Liberals/Democrats trying to dictate how to live your life, and tolerate your views, while you've also mentioned many times how "Pro-Straight Marriage" you are, which I assume means you are Anti-Gay Marriage (because you otherwise wouldn't bring it up)?
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