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Old 07-26-2008, 06:16 PM   #34
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Originally Posted by 92bDad
Who cares about POLLS?

What is the history of the candidates as well as their current they claim them to be?

This is not a popularity contest, but an election to award the leadership of the free world. We see clearly that Obama would have allowed our soldiers to lose the war and make all the sacrifices for NOTHING, all to win an election...while McCain shows that he was willing to risk political suicide in the interest of Leadership and giving the soldiers what then needed and wanted.

The result, McCain's plan has lead this nation towards victory in Iraq and ultimately long term success that will save future lives.
What i am seeing is the American people are liking the democrat current positions more so than the republican current positions. It shows in the polls. Obama has said nothing about losing any war. He is the one wanting to win Afghanastan when this adm and McCain thought nothing much of it or as dude said, Afghanastan wasn't important. When Obama said it was important and the American people agreed with him, now Bush and McCain has came on board and now agrees with Obama. As far as Iraq, Bush said mission was accomplished long time ago.

If you want to know about Iraq, Bush said no timetable and so did McCain and Obama took the position of timetable. Now the Iraqi gov says we want a timetable for when you will get out. Now McCain and Bush says we need to start pulling troops out soon and again, jump on over to Obama's side and thinking. On most every article on the Iraqi war, it is reported McCain and Obama's position is almost the very same for Iraq. Attacking Obama because he is half black and half white won't work. Attacking him by using his name won't work. Attacking by saying the reps have faith and values and the morals won't work because look who really has faith and values. Most everyone knows Obama is much stronger in running an economy than John McCain. As far as more wars and threats, it seems that Obama proved himself very nicely this week in Europe on allies wanting to stand behind him, not divide and split allies. He knows how important it is to work with people and allies instead of trying to run them off.

It's not a fluke why he is popular. He works with people and the public and allies likes this. Oh by the way, Obama opposed the Iraq war and even gave a speech opposing the war. The war we went in on because of weapons of mass destruction but Greenspan(republican) says we went in because of oil.

As far as you saying saving future lives in Iraq. Do you think with this adm making Iran stronger is good? Now Iran is buddy/buddy to Iraq, i am not so sure how good this will be on how future lives plays out when Iran is on your back door, influencing you, buddied up to you.

You do not know how Iraq and Iran is going to play out and neither do i. The middle east is a powder keg. I hope for the best in Iraq and with a president "that has allies" then the situation in Iran is alot better. Why? I'll tell you why, because when you have one man going around saying better do it our way or we will get cha, it don't work real good and it makes the American people lose to many lives, cost the tax payers way to much money to try to police the world, when most don't want to be policed. Now if you have allies, Iran starts to act up, then it is many countries that can come down on Iran and say we stand together with the USA and we will help them military, money wise, then things tend to get done better, faster, without as much force but it takes someone that has sense, can talk, can listen and do what is best for the country. This is Obama in my opinion. This is why it is hard to attack Obama and why he is getting so much coverage. He is also going to be very hard to beat and especially by a Joe Liberman type republican that can't even carry enough of his own base. Even this poll shows up.

The last 8 years has been run by republicans and a chunk of them neoconservatives and let the American people be the judge on how good they have liked the last 8 years. I feel it will be reflected in the up and comming election and let's just see how the American people vote. Senate, Congress, Governor and President. I predict it is going to be a blue picture painted for the republicans but i could be wrong.

I talked to a friend today and at one time he was really doing good and now he is hurting. I heard out of his mouth today, asking me who i was for and even before i said anything, he said Obama seems like a very smart and good man and he said "as far as i am concerned, i hope the democrats get in and see if the can change things around from where they are now". His dad is known for a big time republican and this is no kid, his son. He is pushing 50 years old and republican and stated today, i am republican but it is time for a change. He also said why did the reps pick McCain and he stated his age was not good at all. The reps must get the base out to vote and reps or many i have talked to are not excited at all and even alot of them are for Obama. This is why McCain has probs.
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