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Old 07-31-2008, 10:48 PM   #159
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Janett_Reno is a name known to allJanett_Reno is a name known to allJanett_Reno is a name known to allJanett_Reno is a name known to allJanett_Reno is a name known to allJanett_Reno is a name known to allJanett_Reno is a name known to allJanett_Reno is a name known to allJanett_Reno is a name known to allJanett_Reno is a name known to allJanett_Reno is a name known to all

This is why McCain is going to have probs in the end. He started in politics by being his own man and he thought with his own brain. He would piss some reps off because he would work with dems and reps. Like a Liberman.

Then he got into it with Bush/Cheney adm and at every corner it was a battle between them. As a little time went by and it was talk of him being ousted out or him leaving the gop, he caved in. This was never the maverick people knew. This was why people liked him because he would stand up for what he believed in and used his own brain, no matter what any rep, dem or independent thought.

When he caved in and joined Bush/Cheney, then he didn't use his brain, his voice and he was now a robot. The problem he had never been a robot or people had never spoke for him or told him what to say. His time was about 8 to 12 years ago when he could have been at his best. Not now. He even disputes himself at times and argues with himself at times now. Go over and watch some Fox News sometime and watch Rove and what Rove says he should say, then the next day, he is trying to read what they told him to say. Yes, i am saying they because now people are trying to program him on what to say and he reads it. He use to not be this way.

Getting the nominee, he wanted to be an independent, after he got the nominee, now they tell him, read these conservative things and try to make conservatives like you. It is going on all in the gop and not many agree on the same things. It was mentioned Romney for his vp, oh noooooooooooooooooo the preachers will tell the flock ooooops, MORMON, don't do it John. Ok, i will then get Tim what's his name up in MN or Wisc as he is a good young up and comer, then alot of the gop says nooooooooooooooooooooooo, he has worked with dems before and has got things done with reps and dems, don't pick him John or we will be mad.

So by him changing and caving into Bush/Cheney and this adm, he has lost all he had stood for. He flip flops each and every week. He use to not do that when he used his own brain and people did not tell him what to say. Every speech, every move he makes, someone in the gop says oh no John, don't say that or say this and it makes McCain look like a fool talking. They are doing him the same way on his vp. Now they are trying to make him go out and make people see and think, hmmm is that a black man in the race? Trying to make Obama out as a Hilton or Brittney is just stupid. Obama is no bimbo and you don't see him reading everything he says from a paper that is scripted. He speaks. He uses his own brain. Paris Hilton's family was pouring money into McCain but i wonder if they keep on? Who knows, maybe they think those comments will make their daughter more famous and be pleased.

When they made McCain cave in or get out and now the gop base is not one base. It is split from a Romney conservative but oh no he is Mormon, to the middle of the road Liberman or Tim Palenty, and then the neoconservatives. Neocons want to do business outside the usa, run up huge defecits, and oil is our answer. McCain has to many people he is having to try to listen to. To many people writting his speeches. It is confusing enough but at his age, and thinking, who am i suppose to please today and what speech am i suppose to read, it isn't easy on him.

He couldn't over take Obama and he was told to go negative and attack and in the end, i don't feel this will work. Like Obama said, McCain stays busy talking about Obama but why can't McCain tell the people about McCain and things he stands for. In the end if the gop would have ran a conservative like Romney, he would have stayed on cue, talked like a conservative and would have gotten beat or won as a conservative. McCain is, what does everyone want this week, i will be that flavor, just tell me what to say and even if it is a flip flop from the week before.


A new CNN national poll puts Barack Obama ahead of John McCain 51% to 44%

Nebraska 32% Obama 50% McCain Jul 28 Rasmussen. This state will stay red and McCain has this one. No chance for the dems here.

Mississippi 41% Obama 52% McCain Jul 28 Rasmussen. This state isn't over and this is a pretty good lead here for McCain and looks over but if Obama turns out the vote in this state, it can swing blue. No, it doesn;t look good now and odds are with McCain but this will be a state to actually watch the week and day of the votting, to see if it is a huge huge turn out and if it is, Obama has a shot here.

FLORIDA (Quinnipiac Univ.): Obama - 46%, McCain - 44%. This is one that would really hurt McCain. Remember, Obama has the reps having to pour money into to many states. usually certain red states are always red but Obama has the reps having to go pour money into places like IN, TX, MT, AK, SD, NC, SC, VA and even McCain's home state of AZ. This is why it will be hard on the gop to pour money into all these states like they should. Obama is going to get the latino vote in FL. Many NY'ers live in FL and vote in FL. Many senior citizens also. Many women. This state is where Hillary really helps but McCain will try to break thru to women and seniors here. Very tight and good race again in FL.

IDAHO (Research 2000): McCain - 53%, Obama - 37%. Red state and will be red this time.

KENTUCKY (Rasmussen): McCain - 52%, Obama - 43%. McCain should win KY, unless again Obama get's Hillary. Not sure if Hillary as vp could turn it blue and i doubt it but Hillary led McCain here when she was in the race and aso KY voted for Bill both times, i think. In the end, McCain should turn this red.

MONTANA (Rasmussen): McCain - 47%, Obama - 47%. I am very surprised by this but again this is a red state that could turn blue. Very close.

OHIO (Quinnipiac Univ.): Obama - 46%, McCain - 44%. Like FL, a huge swing state and again with Hillary, i feel he wins here. Bayh would be another good choice for IN and OH. I feel Romney would be here for McCain but remember what i have said, oh no many do not want Romney because he is mormon and the other half says we want a conservative, Romney. McCain is in a pickle trying to please a base, that is no longer a base. It is split all over the place and you can thank Bush/Cheney/Rumsfield for this. This is a huge swing state.

PENNSYLVANIA (Quinnipiac Univ.): Obama - 49%, McCain - 42%. Mccain is doing pretty good here and a blue state. He is within striking distance but in the end i see Obama winning here and again with Hillary, McCain has no shot at this state. I know i am mentioning Hillary alot and yes it could cost him votes in some places also with her but in OH, PA and FL and maybe even Ark, KY and NH, she helps. This would be a huge win for McCain here and put pressure on the dems.

TEXAS (Rasmussen): McCain - 52%, Obama - 44%. This one is hard to believe that Obama is within 8 of a big red state. It must be alot of dems moving into Tx. I figure this stays red and it has to for McCain to have any kind of shot.

You can see, McCain has closed the gap in some places but it is just to close for McCain in Tx, FL and OH. This is where Obama has himself set up good.
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