Thread: Iran
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Old 09-16-2008, 09:15 AM   #20
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Originally Posted by wmbwinn
Yet, what is Nancy Pelosi's Democratic House doing?

Some 220 members, a majority, have endorsed House Concurrent Resolution 362. This virtual war resolution "demands" that President Bush initiate a blockade to halt all Iranian imports of refined petroleum products and impose "stringent inspection requirements on all persons, vehicles, ships, planes, trains, and cargo entering or departing Iran."

A Democratic House that came to power denouncing the rush to war on Iraq is about to vote to demand that Bush commit an act of war against Iran.

The front men for 362 are liberal Gary Ackerman of New York and conservative Mike Pence of Indiana. But the juice behind them is that of the Israeli lobby AIPAC, which is marching in step with Israel.

Last week, Mossad's chief, Meir Dagan, was here to make the case for war on Iran. This week, Defense Minister Ehud Barak visits Dick Cheney and maybe Bush. Next week, it is the head of Israel's armed forces.


If Buchanon is correct, even Pelosi is pushing events forward that might result in war with Iran...
Ron Paul once put forward a resolution that would've simply required the congress to honour the constitution and not allow the president to go to war with Iran without a official declaration of war by congress. It was only a short time after the Democrats took over congress. Nancy Pelosi battled the resolution and explained in the Washington Post that the people from AIPAC (the Israel lobby) told her to do so.

Democrats are not a tiny little bit better than Republicans on these issues. It's a one party system. There was a saying that one of my favorite historians mentioned in a speech, it went like this: The Democrats are the stupid party, the Republicans are the evil party and once in a while the two parties come together to do something that is both stupid and evil and then they call it bipartisanship. - Nowadays both Republicans and Democrats are equally evil and stupid and it doesn't matter which piece of the shitpie you eat.

"Truth is treason in the empire of lies." - Ron Paul The Revolution - A Manifesto
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