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Old 09-25-2008, 08:12 PM   #9
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Originally Posted by GermanDunk
Thanks for your answer. I´ll try to anwer more detailed tomorrow but, gas, mortgage, bail, whatever. I have that certain feeling Obama should have stored a little more dry powder for the last weeks.
Cain wil make the pace. That´s just what i feel. Not proven. Just feeling.
Money talks and this year the democrats can match the republicans with ever red cent. Borrowed money, play money or real green backs. The race has just now begun with Obama and the democrats. McCain throwing another hail mary pass because Obama was going out front again. Look what this is making McCain look like. Just like another Phil Graham. Know him or want me to explain who he is? They have a muzzle on Sarah Palin and she is only allowed to have conversation with certain ones and even then she blunders. Now McCain is running wanting people to beg him to debate? He can't skip the debate. He may wish he could skip all debates but he must face Obama sometime and it wouldn't have been any easier against Hillary Clinton. McCain better start using his head and stop listening to Graham, Rove and the cons.

John McCain or Obama has had nothing to do with this bail out. NOTHING. It is Reid, Frank, Bush, Boehner but also it is republicans and democrats that oppose it.

The real truth is the cons has put McCain behind the 8-ball and no where to hide or run to. Again, here comes the cons. The truth, McCain has faced a no-win situation for days. To support the bailout or a similar plan would put him at odds with millions of voters and many House Republicans at a time his campaign is sliding in the polls. Also, McCain has struggled to distance himself from the unpopular Bush, and embracing the administration's plan would clearly not help.

Remember what republicans and dude says they don't stand for, that is not being receptive to government regulation of powerful institutions. Remember what dude says, less taxes and less gov in business. Not tax payers paying for wall street mistakes and not paying to bail out big business thru gov. Now his hero, W is doing just that and where does this leave McCain? I mean come on, can the cons put McCain anymore in a frying pan than they are doing? Not the democrats but the neocons.

Now if he Opposes Bush's plan, this would open him to accusations of walking away from a national crisis. If it triggered more Wall Street catastrophes, as the administration said it would, the criticism would be even worse. So in the end McCain is going to look back at his politcal career and think, if i would have broke away from W, Chains and Rove when i was fussing and fighting with them and stayed a Maverick and cut ties with them instead of being a puppet, just like W is and joined them, how would i have done as running for president? Instead everytime i get close to the goal i desire, the cons are nipping at my heels again and again and i can't shake them or if i join them, they still cave me in. That is what the Maverick got when he decided to join the neocons when they threatned to kick him out of the party and he also can't stand for W, whom is younger and whom he thinks is probably wet behind the ears, he is having to still answer to and follow as well be a yes man to all his policy and decisions or else he again is slapped down again.

The race is close and McCain didn't need to panic and yes he has slipped a tad lately but still very strong and anyones race. McCain's raod is a little harder of the states he needs comparred to Obaba but it is very doable. He needs to keep his cool and stop throwing hail mary passes as he only has 4 or 5 more weeks to go and then he is either pres or not. He must trust himself and not the cons. Obama wasn't going to run away from a debate or a chance to tell the American people his plan as pres and the cons telling Mac to throw another hail mary would maybe make Obama pull out untill we can figure things out is McInsane. The democrats won't go for that, no can do. Mac needs to ride things out and be his own man and see who wins in the end.
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