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Old 10-07-2008, 12:20 PM   #10
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92bDad has a brilliant future92bDad has a brilliant future92bDad has a brilliant future92bDad has a brilliant future92bDad has a brilliant future92bDad has a brilliant future92bDad has a brilliant future92bDad has a brilliant future92bDad has a brilliant future92bDad has a brilliant future92bDad has a brilliant future

Mavdog, for you I have respect...not sure we see eye to eye on issues and you have a way of being more articulate than I do.

But in general, the people I have had face to face discussions and even folks that I have interacted with on message boards...are acting like sheep.

Yes, there are some in the McCain camp that fall into this trap as well.

But when I look at both camps, I see a huge divide in the amount of half-truths coming out.

To substantiate, I simply ask readers to go back and review old threads and posts, as well as the need to Double post reference material.

This is purely an opinion piece and yes it is MY opinion.

Part of this frustration is a compilation of many forums (Other boards, other Cyber venues, Radio, TV, newspaper, one on one's) -

In general, I see a willingness from the McCain/Palin camp and supporters to admit mistakes, to admit shortcomings, to admit that they are not perfect and that they are a work in progress. There is a level of humility which I find respectful and trustworthy.

Meanwhile from the Obama/Biden camp, I find a smugness, an attitude that they know better than me and everyone else, I get a sense of etitlement out that camp, I don't see ANY humility, from the Obama or Biden as well as the majority of their supporters that I have encountered. I get the sense that they are in a game, a competition that results in a winner...rather than someone committed to serving the country. I am seriously offended with the Liberal media and the treatment they have given those who believe differently than they do...namely conservatives.

So yes, I am a bit is NOT intended towards thow who have taken the time to build up their own individual value system and actually worked through the issues to find that they support their respective candidate. However, I find very few who have actually done this...those I communicate with who go through point by point, find that they change their support and move to the McCain/Palin camp.

It's clear that Obama doesn't want to reach the informed voter, rather he panders to the youth...because for the most part, their life experience is limited and their understanding of the issues, generally speaking is weaker than older generations. When I was 18, I was Naive...I didn't vote, because I didn't care...a few years later I did vote...but I voted Independant and it cost this nation...a few years later I voted Republican and I have voted Republican ever since.

I respect the integrity out of the McCain/Palin camp...while I feel lied too by the Obama/Biden camp.

I believe that a vast number of voters are making decisions that are not based on the qualities within the candidates. They are soundbite voters who don't dig into the issues to be an informed voter, making a decision that they can live with.

Sometimes, I believe that voters should have to pass some type of exam before they can register...this is not plausible, but it would be nice to know that those voting actually know what they are voting for.

This is a reflection of the controversy brewing in Ohio, with those who support Obama taking advantage of the registration rules in Ohio. They are going out, picking up homeless people, giving them rides to anywhere they want...provided they register and vote that day.

This is the same type of voter fraud that Obama was involved in within's flat out wrong.

Yes, this is a mini-rant...but the guy is crooked and it's as if nobody is listening.

I have yet to hear one person in the Obama camp admit to an Obama fault...while I have heard countless times from countless people the flaws within the McCain/Palin camp.

Please share with us...what do Obama/Biden people see as a weakness in Obama/Biden?
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