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Old 10-30-2008, 02:34 PM   #688
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Janett_Reno is a name known to allJanett_Reno is a name known to allJanett_Reno is a name known to allJanett_Reno is a name known to allJanett_Reno is a name known to allJanett_Reno is a name known to allJanett_Reno is a name known to allJanett_Reno is a name known to allJanett_Reno is a name known to allJanett_Reno is a name known to allJanett_Reno is a name known to all

FL is very close. Either man can win at this point, as we can see the polling is very close in FL. The problem for McCain, if he doesn't win PA, he must will most all the swing states up for grabs and hold all red states. Obama can lose FL ande OH and win. He has many more options and that is why McCain must turn PA red. I hope Obama can win both FL and OH. States like FL, OH, IN, NC, MO are so close and maybe even GA. I think Obama will take NV, CO, VA and he is looking good in these others. Maybe he can also win NC. OH, FL, IN and even GA should go down to the wire and last day.

The states of NC and GA are important to be able to kick rubber stamp Lizzy out and put a democrat in. Chambliss in GA needs to retire down in Crawford also, sip on some Billy Beer and BBQ with the Boyz in Crawford. He is hanging on to that 2 point lead.

The only bad thing, it will be tough to hit 60 in the senate for the dems. It was always going to be an uphill battle and it isn't a done deal. They can but it will be hard and things will have to break perfect for it to happen. Stevens guilty on all 7 counts should help the dems in Alaska. Looks like Coleman is leading again over Franken but Clinton is going up today and maybe Bill can swing Franken back in the lead. Lizzy is fighting with rage but this is one seat i feel will be hard for the reps to keep. Her rubber stamping will probably cost her her job. GA and Chambliss, very interesting here. Deep, deep red state and he has helped the cons alot. The backlash of the con adm has really been seen in GA. People out, in a deep red state, trying to vote the cons out. Obama did pull alot of workers out of GA and now they are going back in because of the race getting close in GA. Voter turn out baby. Get out the vote. Get er done.

The reps have put money in KY, MS and even NC and GA trying to save these seats. Especially Mitch the "puppet" and looks like he will probably hang on but we never know. What a beautiful night Tuesday will be. Alot of the cons will be gone. The bad thing, i am seeing more and more of the neocons that are republicans votting for Obama. It was another con comming out today for Obama. I hope they would retire and stay down in Crawford.

"Francis Fukuyama, the prominent academic and an early intellectual defender of neoconservatism, endorses Barack Obama in the pages of the American Conservative magazine"

I'm voting for Barack Obama this November for a very simple reason. It is hard to imagine a more disastrous presidency than that of George W. Bush. It was bad enough that he launched an unnecessary war and undermined the standing of the United States throughout the world in his first term. But in the waning days of his administration, he is presiding over a collapse of the American financial system and broader economy that will have consequences for years to come. As a general rule, democracies don't work well if voters do not hold political parties accountable for failure. While John McCain is trying desperately to pretend that he never had anything to do with the Republican Party, I think it would a travesty to reward the Republicans for failure on such a grand scale.

McCain's appeal was always that he could think for himself, but as the campaign has progressed, he has seemed simply erratic and hotheaded. His choice of Sarah Palin as a running mate was highly irresponsible; we have suffered under the current president who entered office without much knowledge of the world and was easily captured by the wrong advisers. McCain's lurching from Reaganite free- marketer to populist tribune makes one wonder whether he has any underlying principles at all.


But see here again, the republicans are split. The neocons are running in all different directions. Some of the cons are votting Obama and some of the republicans are votting Obama but the cons/reps are fighting within their party against one another, no matter who they support. Now some of them want to blame Bush/Cheney/McCain and really take it out on Palin. Why don't some of these cons and reps look at themself in the mirror. Why didn't they stand up for themself a year or more ago and the public knows how bad W and Cheney has been and also McCain joining them but hey, it took Lizzy rubber stamp Dole and others helping them. Pretty bad if you ask me, now run from the adm to try to save yourself politically.

"Fukuyama's undergone a shift in recent years, notably declaring the death of his own neoconservative movement in a 2006 essay."
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