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Old 10-31-2008, 06:56 PM   #711
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Let me give you the road to 60 for everyone to think about and make predictions.

60-40 Senate majority is the Democrats' target in Tuesday's election.

It stands now 51 seats under their control(dems), including two occupied by independents but i count Lieberman as an it or a republican. I wish he would change parties. The dems are going to win Virginia(Warner), New Mexico(Udall) and Colorado(Udall). Now i will break this down more, 3 republicans retired from all three of those seats and it is no questions democrats are winning those three. That brings the democrats to 54.

Ted Stevens of Alaska, the longest-serving Republican senator in history who was convicted earlier this week on seven corruption counts. I predict him to lose and Begich to win in Alaska, a very deep red state. Now i put the count at 55.

Sen Lizzy Dole of North Carolina, i predict is going down. I think Hagan wins in NC. Dole was one of the biggest rubber stamps W had. Now i put the count at 56.

John Sununu of New Hampshire is going to lose. Shaheen is going to win in NH as Obama is breaking away in NH and Shaheen has ran strong and ahead this whole race. Now i put the count at 57.

Gordon Smith of Oregon i predict will lose but he is trying to tell the people to have mercy on him as he is really a democrat and just as republican beside his name. His ads have alot of dems in it and it is a close race. The democrats have really targeted OR and really pushing Merkley. Merkley is usually polling from 3 to 7 ahead normally. Remember an Obama blow out, elects more democrats. That is why a blow out is important. The magic number is 60. I feel Merkley will win this race as the dems have sunk alot of money here and this one they wanted bad and yes i feel they got it. Now i have the count at 58.

Saxby Chambliss of Georgia and this one is a real barn burner and the democrat here, Martin, was not suppose to have no chance in this deep red state. But as you can see i have been laying down what is going on down in GA and again this goes back to Chambliss swift boating Max Cleland and him getting elected, to him votting for the bail out but at the time, Chambliss they thought was safe in deep red GA, so they let him vote for the bail out. They never thought his senate seat was in play. Now the huge early vote that has people in line 8 to 10 hours today, to get to vote. Huge Obama turn out and now Chambliss is running scarred like Lizzy. Lizzy is already in panic mode. All Cham has to do is turn his tv on and see people lined up down the block wanting to vote in the bigger cities and waiting 8 hours. He knows R by his name smells bad. It is showing Chambliss up 2 to 7 points but some feel Martin is being low balled in the polls. I just can't call this race. This would be huge if the dems pick up this seat and yes it is very possible. GA is comming out to vote. It's a deep red state but the voters are seeing alot of red rage also and votting against red. You make the call on this state. I can't but if i was Gore, Bill, Hillary, Biden, Obama, and others. Even Max, i would be on the trail in GA. Not only for the president but i would target this senate seat and push Chambliss out. Those heavy hitting names i just mentioned, if they would come in GA and stand up and go all out for Martin, i feel they could put him over. If they don't i am not sure Martin wins. I am still at 58.

Roger Wicker of Mississippi vs Musgrove. Big turn out for Obama does help Musgrove but McCain should win MS by 10% or so and Wicker is polling good here. It is possible for Musgrove but looks more and more doubtful. I would have to count this one, republican and Wicker. Then again, a blow out for Obama, weird things could happen. I am still at 58.

Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell of Kentucky looks more and more safe but still has no room for error. Him out stumping for the gov in KY, got the gov killed and put a dem gov in. McConnell stock has went down the tubes alot since W and Chains have. When you speak of this adm you think of Rummy and Cheney on top, then W is 3rd in rank, McConnell and even throw SmellCroft in there somewhere also. The two biggest puppets of the neocons was W but followed very close by Mitchie Poo. Now you know who was running the country. Lunsford is not out here and down around 5 to 7. I feel the democrats didn't target KY enough because they felt Mitch was an untouchable but what they forgot was neocons are not favorites around the country now. Mitch took it on the chin with the Iraq war from alot of Kentuckians. Here again, i can't give this to the dems. I am not saying it isn't possible but i feel time is running out and Mitch has just enough to "probably" stay in. It might have been his race where the gop borrowed 5 mill to run ads to keep him in as the dems was closing in on him. This was just here lately. Just buzz China up and ask for another 5 mill. I am still at 58.

Mary Landrieu of Louisiana, faces a serious challenge but she is going to win her dem seat. Holding off Kennedy and i think he use to be a democrat and i am not sure if and where he fits into the Kennedy clan. Republicans spent heavy here for this seat and it won't pay off. mary will win. Still at 58.

Minnesota, where Democrat Al Franken, and Norm Coleman are locked in a knock down drag out could go either way. It is close depending what poll you believe, no telling who is in the lead. But never forget, Obama turn out. Very important, to just turn the vote out. I'll give this to Franken but again it can go either way and this puts the democrats at 59.

So my final count i pick is 59 or 60. I just can't pick the Chambliss race. I could also be wrong on Franken/Coleman. I feel pretty good about my other picks. Over the weekend, the dems need to pound KY, MN, and GA on these senate races. Keep pressure on Lizzy but i feel she is beat. If you pinned me down, i would say 59 but i can see 60. 61 if they could boot Mitch.

The democrats get to 58 or 59 seats, on a lot of issues they will be able to override a senate filibuster, because they seem to be able to pick off a few Republicans on a lot of the particular issues. This is another reason they have probably walked on egg shells with Joe "McCain" Lieberman. Not me, i would be ok if he officially joined the cons.
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