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Old 11-05-2008, 04:07 PM   #436
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Originally Posted by 92bDad View Post
Man I would be thrilled to see us do away with the party system. Can you imagine voting based on the individuals straight party ticket, but rather voting sheets where you actually have a responsibility as a voter to know the candidates and where they stand.

Who knows, if Obama and McCain ran again, with no party tied to their names...I might actually vote Obama, I do emphasize MIGHT. He started it off with 2 strikes against him simply for being a Democrat.

I can safely determine the outcome of issues and political votes based on party lines and for the most part the issues that are near and dear to me, I have a completely different stance than the Democratic party. Thus it becomes a numbers game in which I would like to see less Democrats in power than Republicans.

Now imagine if there was no party affiliation and you could rely on politicians to effectively represent their constituents based on actual views.

I actually get a kick out of this at the city level...I have to go and find out where my local politicians stand on local issues, because the majority of the time, they do NOT list their party affiliation.

For all I know there may actually be some Conservative Democrats...but do they vote with conservative values or down party lines?

They talk about the Democrats shooting the filibuster proof majority...if there were no party ties, then who knows you might find 60 elected officials vote down a filibuster and actually get some work done. As it stands, politicians are more loyal to party affiliation than to the values of their constituents.

Imagine a government where we the people are fairly represented by individuals rather than a party. I'm willing to bet that you would get rid of even more 'Racial' issues, you might actually find more Conservative Latino's, Blacks and other...

Perhaps that is the secret to getting the vote to be more balanced, is to get rid of the Democrat and Republican parties!!!

Anyone else on board with that?

Any ideas on how to start such a campaign or sign up to support such a movement that may already exist?

I voted for both Democrats and Republican candidates in this election... you don't ever do that?
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