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Old 10-03-2002, 10:35 AM   #6
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<< This is actually much funnier than when Christie Brinkley bleated indignantly that she thought some women were voting for PRESIDENT Bush because they found him attractive.

It would take someone as gullible and intellectually lazy as Babbles to take a synthesized quote like this, which was widely known to be fraudulent, and use it in as public and publicized a forum as a Democratic fundraiser. Then again she bought Slick Willie's oozing, pustulant rap for years. Babbles may be frightened by President Bush, Dick Cheney, Josh Ashcroft, et al....too bad. I might be scared too if I were as stupid as she was. I doubt anyone is afraid of the unprincipled opposition that intellectual losers like Babbles fart out--just annoyed by this stupid, vapid, washed up, no-talent, hook-nosed, matzah-crackuh b*tch.

Same goes for Dan Rather trotting out two Clinton administration National Security Council functionaries (with a book to promote, go figure) and trying to say that the worthless Clinton administration had bravely and presciently tried to take on Bin Laden as a terrorist threat, but were foiled by FBI Director's Louis Freeh's personal animus toward and disdain toward Clinton. IF that were true, it just goes to show that a President has to have credibility on a personal level as well as a political level in order to be able to govern effectively. Clinton was off the charts politically, but off the chart in the opposite direction as a man. And yet these idiots try to rehabilitate him.

Three Stooges: Brinkley, Babbles and Rather

I'm not drunk you shilly sit
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