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Old 11-18-2008, 01:09 PM   #12
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Originally Posted by Underdog View Post
Why do you bring partisan politics into everything???

Liberals think the media is too conservative and conservatives think the media is too liberal... You know what - they're both right!

Media is a business just like any other industry - they go where the money is (and that's no secret...)

The US media was 100% pro-Bush in the aftermath of 9/11 because it made them money... They were anti-Bush once people got tired of the war in Iraq because it made them money... They're pro-Obama now because it makes them money... They'd eat your children if it would make them money - JUST LIKE ANY OTHER MAJOR CORPORATION IN AMERICA (after all - corporations don't become "major" without stepping on a few toes...)

This ain't news - it's been going on forever (sounds more like sour grapes to me...)
So what is your thought...

Should we just sit back and let them do whatever they want?

Sure there are stories from both sides that are slanted in their respective directions.

So what are some brainstorm ideas of things that we as citizens can do to point out the inconsistancies and spin being reported by various agencies.

It's clear that Talk Radio is DOMINATED by Conservative talk...while it's also clear that TV NEWS is Dominated by Liberal Views.

Where are the stations radio, tv, newspaper, magazine that are true to the stories?

Who are they and what is the data that supports them reporting the news and staying out of opinion pieces?

We are currently inundated with's an Information Orgy and guess what, we are all catching Cyber Aids due to the mass amount of mis-information.

Here's an example of what words can do:

Decribing an individual:

John Smith is a fearless leader of men. He is a Special Forces Squad leader. His team has successfully accomplished numerous missions, destroying enemy targets. John Smith has been awarded the Medal of Honor for his heroic actions in combat.

What image does this description conjur up?

Now a second description of the same individual:

Johns Smith is a dedicated husband and father of 3. He is a humble man, who loves his family and shows great loyalty to them. Last week he served in his local church's outreach, by feeding some homeless people in his community. He is a very gentle sould, often times being the ear that listens to the kids in the neighborhood.

What image does this description conjur up?

Both are descriptions of the same person...the name was changed to protect the innocent...

The bottom line, is that the media can utilize perhaps one of, if not the most powerful tool known to man. Words. Words can be arranged and rearranged to tell whatever story the storyteller wants you to see and hear.

We can see, with the past 8 years and this recent election, that the media has done a great job of using words to create hate towards one party and anyone involved with that party, while also building up the other with no challenge.

Now I do NOT know the solution, but I recognize the problem.

Allthough this type of journalism does a great service to the "Liberal" side of politics...I can't say that it does much of any service to the people of this country.

On the same note, I don't want to see a pro-conservative bias/spin of reporting.

There must be a ground based on Truth. This is not Middle ground, but a foundation which all people can then debate the issues for what they are and not what they are perceived to be.

So again, I ask...what are some ideas that you have to propose, good or bad that we can list off and discuss to nail down some concrete plans on how we can change the way the Media operates?
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