Thread: LOST: SEASON 5
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Old 01-21-2009, 03:42 PM   #28
Rooting for the laundry
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Questions...I have lots of them:

Charlotte alluded to being born on the island in the S4 finale. Is that true? Is she related to anyone that we know? How did she leave the island the first time? If Bens so smart why doesn't he know about her real past?

Daniel...the journal...the constant stuff...the Orchid...dude had to have been to the island before, right?

Miles: We attribute a lot of of weird stuff to the island on this show, but so far as we know with Miles, his ability has not been connected with it at all. I find that odd.

How did Ben know about the donkey wheel chamber beneath the Orchid?

Ben said that he couldn't go back to the island after moving that true? (yeah, right)

Will Walt be on the show? Does Walt have to go back?

Was the polar bear found in the desert in Tunisia like Ben because the polar bear turned the donkey wheel? (there's a sentence I never thought I'd type) I know that sounds stupid but legions of morons online insist that the dharma initiative made the polar bear do it.

Did Widmore used to live on the island? Was he with the DI or a hostile or an Other? Did Ben usurp his position? Is he old like Richard? Was he on the Black Rock? How does he know about the Black Rock? Who is Pennys mother?

How much does Penny know that her father knows, and vice versa? Assuming that Naomi got the Desmond/Penny picture from Widmore's people, how does Widmore know that Desmond is on the island?

Was the purpose of the sailing contest around the world to get Desmond to the island because he (widmore) knew it would happen, or was he trying to get someone, anyone to find the island....or pure coincidence?

How are they going to bridge the difference in time between the people that were left behind and the people that left the island (I think we're up to 2007 in Oceanic 6 time). That's almost 3 years. Time travel? Surely Sawyer and Juliet didn't spend 3 years together...(hey now) the hell are they going to get back? (And how does Ben know that too? How does Ben know EVERYTHING?)
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