Thread: Ka-BOOM!
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Old 08-06-2006, 09:35 PM   #73
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mcsluggo has a brilliant futuremcsluggo has a brilliant futuremcsluggo has a brilliant futuremcsluggo has a brilliant futuremcsluggo has a brilliant futuremcsluggo has a brilliant futuremcsluggo has a brilliant futuremcsluggo has a brilliant futuremcsluggo has a brilliant futuremcsluggo has a brilliant futuremcsluggo has a brilliant future

What do you want, some blog-site of "economists polls"? I don't have one, I don't go to blogs.

However I am a PhD economist, and I read economics literature, and I attend economics conferences, and I confer with other economists.... and I have yet to find ONE, conservative, liberal, libertarian... or any shade of grey in between that believes that the fiscal policies pursued by this administration are sound economic policy. period.

(on the other hand, I'm sure there are TONS of bloggers that believe it to be the case, so scoreboard, I guess)

There are PLENTY that believe that tax cuts are good policy... when implimented even somewhat correctly. THere are none (I repeat NONE) that believe that the the Bush Tax cuts have been/are/will ever be/ self funding. None. It simply doesn't compute by ANY estimates of financial statistic. ESPECIALLY WHEN SPENDING IS INCREASING AS IF THE TILL IS BEING TENDED BY A DRUNKEN SAILOR.

So tax cuts and increased spending today are an implicit tax on future generations. That is acceptable sometimes <for instance if the country is being wrung by an especially deep recession, or there is deflation in the economy). But to continuously cut taxes and simaltaneusly bump up government spending in the midst of an economy that is already operating at/or near/ full employment is... well... Hugo Chavez. (or Juan Peron, or Nestor Kirchner or Danial Ortega, or Evo Morales any other disasterous latin american populist you wanna think of)

In the economic environment that has existed in the US since 2002(ish) (perhaps 2001) fiscal stimuli have had very little return for their long run cost, it is the equiv to running your AC in February. econmy.. grow ..much ..faster, (in terms of debt policy)
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