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Old 05-16-2007, 02:17 PM   #39
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Originally Posted by alexamenos
How crude of me to point out that support for someone who really thinks the US Gov ought to obey the Constitution is far more enthusiastic than the support for a lisping, thrice-divorced baby-killer.... must be poll bombing, how else could we explain polls suggesting Republicans' have a respect for the Constitution?
Don't shoot the messenger chief! In fact, one of your fellow Ron Paul supporters is joining in to support Fred Thompson just today (see copied message below) , and I will gladly endorse your support of him as well. Welcome aboard my friend! Fred Thompson is a Federalist (actually the new term will be FREDERALIST) through and through, and while he may not be who you think Ron Paul is, he is the best you are gonna get.

Wasn't accusing you of poll bombing, but it has been going on for a while now, and I know of several major polls that took Paul off the ballot because of cheating and harrassment by Paul supporters. I know you would not do that, you are way to sensible and kind.

Here is a fellow Paul supporter facing reality so enjoy:

03:41:30 am, by Rossputin \
Why I support Fred Thompson
Following is a comment I posted at in response to Fred Thompson's recent speech to the Council for National Policy, and the online debate about it in which many commenters were discussing the merits of Congressman Ron Paul.

As someone who is more libertarian than the Republican party, it's often difficult to find someone running for federal office who seem to understand our Constitution and founding principles well enough to justify supporting that person's candidacy.

Of course I love most of Ron Paul's positions, though I'm not quite the isolationist he is.

But the bottom line is that Dr. Paul can't win. So the question becomes "Who can win who actually supports liberty, federalism, and limited government?"

It seems clear to me that Fred Thompson is the best choice. I don't believe that Romney truly knows what he believes. I like Rudy but have been quite unimpressed with his ability to handle the abortion question lately, and I wonder about whether he would be too inclined toward increasing executive power the way our current President has. Gingrich is very smart and has excellent positions on most issues but probably is too divisive and has too much baggage to win.

Fred Thompson, as silly as it might sound (or maybe it doesn't sound silly), has a real advantage in being an actor because it allows him to imply, if not explicitly claim, a Ronald Reagan-like addition to his positions being closer to Reagan's than any of the current front-runners.

I would very much like to hear Thompson make a more aggressive repudiation of the McCain-Feingold Incumbent Protection Act (and apologize for supporting it to begin with.) That is the only major flaw I've found in his voting record.

Nobody is perfect, and the libertarians among us might wish for a government run by people like Ron Paul. But part of the problem with the capital-L Libertarian Party is that they are so ideological that even though they are generally right they are completely ineffective on a national scale.

Given the realities of who can put together a winning campaign and who can't, I believe those of us who consider ourselves lovers of liberty should support Fred Thompson...even while donating to Ron Paul's campaign so he can keep pushing a message of freedom and force other Republicans to move in that way, just as leftist Democrats and left-leaning 527s move the Democrat candidates away from liberty.
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