Thread: taking time off
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Old 12-14-2001, 12:25 PM   #18
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DJ, my mom was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer a little over three years ago. She was diagnosed in October 98 and was told to enjoy her last holidays with the family. Her physician decided to go ahead and perform some surgery to remove the cancerous portion to see if it would extend her life (but the debate was whether to have surgery and go through a long recovery period and die or take chemo/pain medications and have a more dignified time remaining). As a family we chose to proceed with the surgery. The doctors removed half of the pancreas and reported that they believe that they got most of the cancer. After about 2 months of recovery, they performed a CT scan and detected what they thought was a little tumor remaining in the pancreas. They decided to go through chemo with an experimental drug (I don't know the name but I can find out) and she went through pure hell for about 4 months. I am happy to say that she is cancer free (or at least in remission) after an initial diagnosis of 3 to 5 months to live. It is by the grace of GOD she is here with us today. All I can say, it was the most traumatic time in my family's life. We went through all kinds of emotions (I would cry spontaneously) but eventually you do work it out. The best way my mom handled it (when she still didn't know the outcome) was for everyone in the family to let her do what she wanted to do...Example: everyone's instinct was to help her with dinner, or handle grandkids, go shopping for her, etc., however after a while she got tired of us helping her - she didn't want any help. We noticed she was much more happier and her stamina was much better when she did what she wanted to do, (liberated). I know I'm rambling, and that your family is going through a lot right now, but keep all options open...Do as much research as you can...make your mom keep her normal routine as much as possible - and keep her busy and her mind occupied. God bless...I'll be praying for you and your family...
Panela velha faz comida boa!!!
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