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Old 01-30-2005, 11:27 PM   #1
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Default how the so called election really went.

If you really believe the election went smoothly by watching fox news, your way off.

Confusion surrounds Iraq poll turnout
...Iraqis in the Sunni Muslim city of Samarra stayed home on Sunday, too frightened or angry to vote in the election.

"Nobody came. People were too afraid," Madafar Zeki, in charge of a polling centre in Samarra, said.

According to preliminary figures provided by a joint US and Iraqi taskforce that safeguarded the vote, fewer than 1400 people cast ballots in the city of 200,000.

The figure includes votes from soldiers and police, most of whom were recruited from the Shia south...

Iraqis show mixed response to polls
In war-ravaged Falluja, nearly all residents stayed at home despite the presence of five polling stations. Only one man was reported to have voted.

Meanwhile, the head of the local council in Samarra said no citizens would vote because of the poor security situation.

"Nobody will vote in Samarra because of the security situation," said Taha Husain, the head of Samarra's local governing council.

No employees turned up at polling centres in Samarra and police were not to be seen on the streets, an agency correspondent reported.

AMS critical of Iraq elections
"The voter goes to the polling stations not knowing who he is voting for in the first place. There are more than 7700 candidates, and I challenge any Iraqi voter to name more than half a dozen."

He also criticised the huge number of groups on voting lists in which it was virtually impossible to know who was standing for election and what the candidate's background was.

Summary of attacks on election day

Iraqi women find the election as a cruel joke:

another thing. Seems like security in Sunni Muslim area's was much better than in the other areas.... Same thing like in ohio election in the areas with maybe 200 registered voters theres 10 voting machines while in the largely populated areas theres only 1 machine for thousands of people... Fair elections hah.
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