Thread: The Obama Boom.
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Old 02-23-2009, 10:31 PM   #16
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Originally Posted by AxdemxO View Post
For those who are supporting dude on this issue. Its not even about what you think about Obama, I could careless about him or any politician. Its just How can you guys be stupid and naive enough to think that someone else would be doing better and to make that argument.

I have yet to see one argument from you people that goes something like this "yee Obama sucks and we hate him, BUT to be honest someone else wouldn't be doing any better"

And that's the problem, you guys cant be mann enough to be honest with yourself and to look at things realistically and objectively without you biases...
I don't think McCain would be have every other word out of his mouth as either catastrophe, or crisis. Or been tossing around Great Depression every chance he gets. Obama was the one that ran on the message of how he was different. He was the one claiming to be the wind of change to drive the clouds of new giving the rain of reform to quench the fires of politics as usual. Using that standard, even if you believe his actions and results are in line with others he wiffs. For someone who was steadily stressing how dangerous crafting policy and law by using fear to drive the process his message is a curious one. He ran on the promise of no lobbyists, unprecedented integrity from high level cabinet members and open the process to a level of transparency never seen before. Either he was lying or naive and neither gives much comfort.

There was no reason for many of those programs, that indeed have merit and should be addressed, to be rammed through on a stimulus bill.

It's hard to argue vetting the largest single outlay of deficit spending in the history of the world in a single piece of legislation for another week. I would have appreciated the possibility to look at the bill on the White House website 5 days prior to his signing it. I can't think of any single bill that had more public interest or long lasting effect. Once the brakes are released you can't simply revoke it like tax cuts.

His inexperience got him played badly by Congress. His Treasury Secretary was rightfully spanked for his ridiculous lack of detail after such a buzz was initiated about his public debut of the fiscal antidote for the greatest crisis since the Great Depression. I kind of wondered just what Obama was worried about when he used not wanting to steal the thunder from Geithner to duck giving details in an answer at his press conference.

It's a bit ironic that you hit on the same tactic that had me hollering at the screen during the Presidential Debates. As a lad I had a middle school class in public speaking and debating. I remembered the teacher spent a fair amount of time getting us to recognize what he called the logical impossibility of proving a negative. Obama used this tactic to great effect in gaining the White House. "Failed Policies of the last eight years" implied that President Gore would have missed out on 9-11, raised qualifications on mortgages while Jessie and Rev. Al beamed in the background and willingly tossed a hand grenade in the economy by forcing uneconomical Green Tech with legislation.

If anything, no energy policy and a lack of attention to health care kinda knocks the shine off the Clinton "We have a surplus" halo. McCain could have used you to coach him to point out if Obama was any kind of man he'd admit it wouldn't be any different with a Gore presidency.

I agree it's too early to make any kind of call on the Obama Presidency. It is not too early to criticize his actions. Clinton had his hands a bit tied by Reagan's deficit. He would have loved to expand spending. Lucky for us the man actually had more experience than teaching law at The University of Arkansas.

Hammering the "crisis oh woe is us" button nonstop is a campaign not a leadership move. Real nice to go to the Dem Caucus retreat, preach to the choir and get your standing O. Or to go to Ft. Myers and Elkhart. He already has those folks.

Stupid and naive is thinking McCain would be cramming huge defict bills through Congress and having a fuzzy plan short on any details tying how these plans address the crisis. Real nice to make Federal buildings energy efficient and replace the Federal fleet with hybrids. It was pretty stunning to me he didn't even make a token stab to do much past workfare. Anyone who has a clue of how this giveaway is going to be administered and the oversight structured so $400 billion or so isn't scooped out of the trough before it gets to the pigs like TARP funds raise your hand. Bueler....anyone...Bueler.................

Last edited by aquaadverse; 02-23-2009 at 10:53 PM.
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