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Old 11-03-2010, 03:09 PM   #13
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92bDad has a brilliant future92bDad has a brilliant future92bDad has a brilliant future92bDad has a brilliant future92bDad has a brilliant future92bDad has a brilliant future92bDad has a brilliant future92bDad has a brilliant future92bDad has a brilliant future92bDad has a brilliant future92bDad has a brilliant future

Nice to see that in an era of "Change" some posters refuse to "Change"

It's clear that both parties have an "America First" mentality and that both have their share of very wise and intelligent individuals. Yes, I include President Obama on that list.

But it's also clear that the fundamental difference is in regards to respective Ideology.

Both sides have some Gray areas which they are willing to compromise on, while they have some hard line ideals that they are unwilling to budge. The hope is that with a divided Congress, there will be some points that help America move forward which both sides are willing to accept.

Now that President Obama no longer has a complete majority, we will discover how willing he truly is to compromise, and the same applies to the Republican Majority in the House with a nearly even split in the Senate.

Will these politicians get real with the budget and truly cut the way, to cut spending means that Republicans will have to be willing to not only cut on issues that are near and dear to Democrats, but also on issues that are near and dear to Republicans. Are they willing to "Feel the Pain" in order to do what is right for the Country.

Are the Democrats going to be willing to listen to the Voice of America and its opposition to Government Run Healthcare? At the end of the day, the way the Democrats ram rodded Health care down the throats of Americans is what cost them this election.

Certainly the economy played a part, but that appears to be a scapegoat for the Democrats. If it is the reason, then how do you explain Reid winning in Nevada?

This attitude we have seen by the Democrats is what has caused a bit of a stall with the economy. Companies have been concerned about spending money as they were worried that Government would change how business is done and thus cost them more money, so business has been putting away for a rainy day. They saw how the Democrats forced the Healthcare issue and in turn they got scarred of the direction of "Big Government"

Perhaps now, as President Obama indicated, there is an opportunity for Civility and thus an opportunity to change the perception of how the Government of the USA handles it's business of Representing the PEOPLE.

Perhaps now, the USA has a fighting chance to resume being the Great nation that it is. The course or direction of this administration has been changed per the voice of the people and it will be interesting to see where we go in the next 12-24 months.
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